USMC H-1 upgrade program

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Tech Sergeant
Mar 26, 2009
- Bell AH-1Z Viper
- Bell AH-1 SuperCobra

Nice helicopters, but I can't help but wonder if...

a) The Army should have initiated such a program years earlier instead of implementing the Boeing AH-64 Apache and Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk


b) The Marine Corps should have adopted the Boeing AH-64 Apache and Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk already developed by the Army

Is it really necessary for the different services to go in different directions?
The Apache and the Blackhawk are both much better aircraft than the Cobra and Huey. Don't take me wrong I love the Huey and grew up with them as they were what my father flew and worked on. I served in the Army and was a Blackhawk Crew Chief and can honestly say the Blackhawk is a much more capable aircraft than the Huey is.
The Cobra first came online with the Army in Vietnam in 66-67, the twin engine versions about 4-5 years later. It amazes me how many weapon sysyems the US still has that was in use when I was got out of the Army almost 40 years ago. I know they're greatly improved, new electronics, uprated engines, improved rotors and transmissions, etc., but the basic design is over 45 years old.

They've got a long way to go before they outlast the B-52 .

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