Vickers Wellesley East Africa...

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Airman 1st Class
Jan 10, 2009
... operational pictures wanted. Except those from Profile aircraft and few from a net is there any other photos of Wellesley during war in E. Africa?
Air International in 1980 ran a history of the Wellesley. They covered the African involvement in some detail including correspondance between oposing pilots. Seemingly it was very successful. I can dig out the article and pdf what I find
Air International in 1980 ran a history of the Wellesley. They covered the African involvement in some detail including correspondance between oposing pilots. Seemingly it was very successful. I can dig out the article and pdf what I find

Thanks, but I already have that pdf. There is just one war photo in East Africa. The other is survivor from 1942 in Palestine.
Here's a few.


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Amazing photos Verner! From where You get it? But photo with L2713 is confusing, because is writed that is prewar photo - L2713 with late war side roundel??
IIRC Chris Shores' "Dust Clouds in the Middle East" by Grub Street has some Wellesley Pics. Can't quite recall whether the tome covers east Africa but I think it does.

Thanks Buffnut, I'll try to find it.


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I downsized the pictures.


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Nice photos Snautzer01, especially interior, but - they are not WAR photos.
... operational pictures wanted. Except those from Profile aircraft and few from a net is there any other photos of Wellesley during war in E. Africa?

Sadly I don't think I have any pictures but I am in touch with a friend who actually flew as bombadier/navigator in Wellesleys in the East African Theatre during WW2. He flew in the only mission to gain DFC in East Africa. I have recently submitted his log book (amazing aircraft types... and DFC entry which he gave me a detailed account of - so unfair that only his pilot got the DFC!) to IWM with his silk? chitty describing who he is in local languages for re[\patriation if he was shot down. I have images of these documents if anyone is interested.

FYI He tells me that 223 Squadron aircraft carried no squadron markings (Is this true?) and that he (others) had adapted his aircraft to carry an additional lewis gun used through openings in the side of the fuselage behind the wing. If you would like to know more contact me direct please at

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