Vulcan B Mk-2 Pilots Notes

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Jul 9, 2013
Georgia, USA
Greetings Guys Gals;

Today is another overcast Tuesday. It would appear that it may be an early fall, and
possibly, winter........... :rolleyes: Not to worry, it gives us an excuse to play with our
models ........ :)

Todays post will be a follow-up on the United Kingdom's Vulcan Bomber, and a rather
nice RC model of the Vulcan Bomber. So, lets take a gander at the Vulcan/B Mk. 2.



Vulcan News ............

The Sky Trust announced that due to a leaking fuel tank, their Avro Vulcan, XH588 has been grounded for
the remainder of the 2013 air show season.
.............. You may read the whole story here: Fuel Leaks Ground Avro Vulcan XH558 for the Remainder of 2013 Season

..... For the new people, to the web site you may find the first part of the message on the
Vulcan/B-1a here:




  • Vulcan-B Mk-2-01.pdf
    44.9 MB · Views: 909
  • RC_Vulcan Bomber.pdf
    1.5 MB · Views: 587
Greetings Guys Gals;

Today is another overcast Tuesday. It would appear that it may be an early fall, and
possibly, winter........... :rolleyes: Not to worry, it gives us an excuse to play with our
models ........ :)

Todays post will be a follow-up on the United Kingdom's Vulcan Bomber, and a rather
nice RC model of the Vulcan Bomber. So, lets take a gander at the Vulcan/B Mk. 2.

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Vulcan News ............

The Sky Trust announced that due to a leaking fuel tank, their Avro Vulcan, XH588 has been grounded for
the remainder of the 2013 air show season.
.............. You may read the whole story here: Fuel Leaks Ground Avro Vulcan XH558 for the Remainder of 2013 Season

..... For the new people, to the web site you may find the first part of the message on the
Vulcan/B-1a here: Vulcan-B_Mk-1A Pilots Notes


For more vulcan manuals, refer to:
Low resolution Retired Vulcan Bomber Flight Manual(AFM), Maintenance Manual(AMM), SRM and IPC:

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