Washi Tape

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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
Anyone ever heard of or used this? I came across this while looking for Tamiya Bendy tape. Checked some other models sites and watched a video; everyone seems pleased. Not so much as a replacement for Tamiya but as filler between the Tamiya. Once happy that there is no bleed under or paint lift I'll test drive it on the mule. Check out the price and I've seen cheaper

Thank you. Did you use it for primary taping or fill? The reason I'm asking about this tape is I live far away from any modeling sources and postage is expensive so I'm basically looking at using it to fill in between the Tamiya to save money
Is there a brand name you can share? And a source of the advertisement? The YouTube (I couldn't catch it if it was given) did not mention any, just 'washi tape'. Looking at my normal source, Amazon, the number of brands is large as are the prices, at least 3X what is shown in the posted advertisement.
That's all I could find, no names, just washi. I always find Amazon to be more expensive, maybe it's a Canada thing
No, not just a Canada thing. Expensive in Australia too. Except for ebooks ...... unless someone can point me in the direction of a better option.
I do remember this thread from more than a year ago, but only today I found details about it. If you want to know the story behind the "washi" and why is it not "kabuki"-tape, check this video by Will Pattison:

BTW all fellows Canadiens can get 10 rolls of "washi" (from the same brand MT or KAMOI KAKOSHI as shown in the video) for 16.02 + 5.00 shipping here! There are much cheaper products as well, but I can't speak for their quality.
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The 10 rolls that I first found on Amazon (these appear to be the same as in the video, MT10P003) are $15.49, they are 15mm width. I placed an order. Not unusual, Amazon ALWAYS presents buying Frequently Bought Together options. In this case they suggested the MP10P004 at $13.99? Same tape just different colors AND next day delivery, whereas the COOL colors were a week away. So I selected them! AGAIN the suggestions! A 20 roll 7mm package for $15.80, TP20P002. Now mind you NONE of the last two come up when doing a generic search. My preference is really the narrower tape so I selected these. Being delivered tomorrow. The first one, cancelled. Not sure why Amazon searches don't show every item but it has to be some sales algorithm to 'lead' the buyer to what they want to sell? Like the video presenter, I have enough tape for ALL my modeling for the next 10 years!! No more skimping!
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Ralph, I'm not sure if TP20P002 is the same Japanese brand (MT or Kamoi Kakoshi) - I couldn't find it on Amazon. There is MT-USA though with anything imaginable in sizes and colours. On their site the slim tape (pack of 3) is pretty cheap - Sets | MT Tape. But you are right, hording, no matter if toilet paper or masking tape is not the way to go.
P.S. But of course there are obvious differences between products @Amazon.com and Amazon.ca.
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Just going by what I found on the MT website (MT 10 Colours Washi Tape Set Light). As I said, Amazon, for some reason, likes to hide products during a search! Look at the images in my post. You can see the boxes are the same logoed versions as seen in the video (I think anyway?). As for hording? I've seen you closet photos Mr. Kettle!

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