Well this was a hell of a D-Day.Besides the historic events I got resourced,

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Took this one personal thou
Torch, the REALLY terrible part of all this is that it wasn't personal in any sense of the word. You and your years of service, dedication, personal sacrifice meant no more to them (upper management/bean counters) than the TP you just flushed down the turlet after you were done using it. We all like to think that we count for something and are valuable but plain and simple go back to that bucket of water...see the hole that your hand made in the water...that's how much you meant to them and how much you'll be missed. The saddest part is that it is not personal they just don't give a tinker's damn about you once they are done using you.
My best childhood friend Joe worked for an initially small company that produced some really large machines. They grew rapidly and their machinery sold all over the world. Joe was with them at the beginning and not only had an intuitive feel for machinery but knew their product inside and out. He became their chief trouble-shooter and was sent all over the world to fix and solve problems for close to 15 years. Without a second thought they laid him off and replaced him with a young kid, fresh out of school, who knew nothing about their machinery BUT who had an engineering degree.

I'm still busting my ass because I'm the only cleared guy in Denver
I realize that, as you posted, YOU care about the customer but why in the world you you continue to serve the ones who just flushed you without a second thought. A few really pissed off customers who take their business elsewhere sounds like an excellent reward for their caviler treatment of you. I'm old testament - Eye for Eye Tooth for Tooth

They reflect their parents.
Who, plain and simple, are afraid of their children. Children who have been thoroughly steeped in "anyone touches you call the police" and "everyone is a winner" "everyone get a trophy no matter what" They are the Entitlement Generation - entitled to the brass ring, not because they worked for it and earned it but simply because they showed up and continued to breathe.
A local school bus driver was seriously injured by a SECOND GRADER who deliberately bounced a laser beam off the rear view mirror into the drivers eyes. She has lost vision in one eye and may never recover. CONSEQUENCES: The student was TALKED to and was back on the bus the next day!!
My youngest daughter was 9YO she had been grounded to her room but snuck out anyway when we weren't looking. Discovering she was gone and we frantically searched for her for 3 hours she came strolling up the driveway. She wanted to go to a friend's house and we weren't going to stop her. I grabbed her arm and frog-marched her up the drive and gave her a smack on the butt before putting her in the house. The neighbors saw!! Five minutes later FOUR squad cars of police lights flashing and a DCFS car come flying down the street and up the driveway. We were grabbed and held by four cops while a female cop and the DCFS lady interviewed and examined my daughter's back and butt for any marks. Finding nothing they reluctantly released us and left after telling my daughter that she could call them anytime for help against us.
Mike, we were brought up in an age of discipline and order. There were no mass shootings back then and there were no School Resource Officers needed on campus. When I see what has happened in the last 50 years, I thank God that I won't be around for the next 50.
I taught my last daughter minimal boxing after she said she had been hit by another girl at school. Some months later she told me of another incident with another girl and when I asked why she didn't punch her back, she said (like in football) they always catch the second one and if they saw it all we would both get suspended. I asked what she was going to do, and she told me she blocked her punches the way I showed her and there won't be any more problems.

Are you kidding me? There were plenty of mass shootings back then. The only difference between then and now, is the way media reports, social media, technology (smart phones, internet, etc.), so it is more apparant.

Let's see. Just to list a few...(killed/injured)

Aug. 1, 1966 - Austin, TX - 17/31
Feb. 8, 1968 - Orangeburg, SC - 3/27
Jun. 25, 1968 - Good Hart, MI - 6/0
Dec. 31, 1972 - New Orleans, LA - 9/13
Jan. 13, 1973 - Washington, DC - 7/2
Dec. 30, 1974 - Orlean, NY - 3/11
Mar. 30, 1975 - Hamilton, Ohio - 11/0
July 12, 1976 - Fullerton, CA - 7/2
Sept. 4, 1977 - San Francisco, CA - 5/11
Jan. 29, 1979 - San Diego, CA - 2/9
Nov. 3, 1979 - Greensboro, NC - 5/12
In 1955 I began to read the news paper for more than the comics. I learned that a .22 was "a high powered rifle" and when "he had a fully loaded hand gun" it was for effect. If he was "found with a handgun" , it wasn't loaded.
I was 10 when Dad gave me a Ralphie Red Ryder BB gun and 12 when I had my .22 lever action and just about every kid in 10mi had one. We sat on the front porch and shot at rabbits or treked out to a garbage dump to shoot rats. Once in a while a local tree rat that was becoming a PIA and he got popped. 12 gauge double LC Smith at 14 for pheasants. NO ONE gave kids with guns a second thought and shooting at people couldn't even be imagined nor taalking back to a teacher (God help you in the principal's office AND at home later on) and the school bus driver would just pull over and put trouble makers off the bus to make it home the best they could (and there were NO cell phone only the occasional pay-phone).
Even in Vietnam we heard about Whitman and the Texas Tower (stabbed his wife and mother to death the night before) shootings
Chris, I'm not sure the Orangeburg counts:
Orangeburg was a precursor to the Kent State and Jackson State (1970) shootings wherein State Police (Orangeburg) opened fire on unarmed student protesters killing 3 teenagers. Federal charges were brought and in spite of 36 witnesses stating that the protesters did not fire and were unarmed all the State police were found innocent.
Jackson State was after Kent State. Once again City Police and State Police opened fire with shotguns (150 rounds) on a group of protesters in front of a women's dorm. Two students were killed no charges were ever filed though a presidential commission on campus violence stated that "the 28-second fusillade from police officers was an unreasonable, unjustified overreaction...A broad barrage of gunfire in response to reported and unconfirmed sniper fire is never warranted". The pock-marked front of the women's dorm is still visible today.
There is rampant age discrimination going on out there.
Having taught people to fly ranging from age 14 to 71, it's clear that it's easier to train young folks than to retrain old timers when the next jump in technology comes along. As a septuagenarian and a quarter century out of the cockpit, I find GPS linked FMS glass cockpits overwhelming every time I sit in one (which is mighty rare these days). Even flying FlightSim configured to an actual airline cockpit using actual airline checklist, procedures, and flight profiles, is a humbling experience now.

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