Here's how FlyBoyJ, who created this thread, asked his question...
"We always talk about how good a fighter or bomber is, but what if you're stuck flying a "Dud?" For example, if I was a relatively new pilot I wouldn't be too happy flying the following in WW2...."
So, the way I understand his question, you're flying into a "combat situation". What is the aircraft you're least likely to WANT to be in.
Even though he mentions fighters and bombers, wouldn't any unarmed aircraft be the one you'd want to be in, the least?
I know I, for one, wouldn't mind a few guns and a little armour plating on my machine, if I'm to fly into a combat situation.
I would think anyone would want that.
...then there's the fact that the planes you and I mentioned are two engined transports and nowhere nearly as agile as any fighter plane we'd come up against, so that blows the whole "Your'e faster but I'm quicker" scenario straight out the window.
This is how I enterpreted "Dud", as it pertains to this thread.
Am I wrong?