What if...

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Aug 1, 2018
!I was reading about the Super Tucano and the thought occurred to me....

Which of it's weapon systems would have made the biggest difference in WW2 air-to-air combat?

Three barreled GAU-19 50 cal at 1300 RPM
M134 Minigun 7.62x51 3000 RPM
FIM-92 Stinger air-to-air missile

I was thinking of replacing the standard 6x .50 BMGs with 2 GAU-19s, one per wing for a total of 2600 rpm set to converge at 500 yards or so. Better yet, the ability to change the convergence, depending on distant to target really dreaming now, huh?

Since the US didn't face heavy bombers, maybe the M-134 would have been adequate, replacing the heavy hitting 50 cal with a hosing of lead, British 8x303 gun equipped planes could only dream of. Again replacing the 6x .50 American plane with 2xM134s. Perhaps, replacing bomber turret guns with an M134, while were at it..

Lastly, Stinger missiles underwing....4-6 per plane?

Which of these arrangements would you personally prefer, back on the skies of WW2? Which would have the biggest impact on the US's ability to control the air?
Replacing a gun with a better gun will net the USAAC/AAF/USN next to nothing - the early aircraft (P-40, P-39, F4F) have problems of being underpowered for the weight and (F4F) for the bulk, not with lack of firepower. Also no range/radius as required by realities of the ww2. OTOH, USAAF/USN of 1944 does not need any help to dominate skies.

In air combat itself, there is still a pilot of flesh and blood to make best of the guns - without radar-operated sights, even without the K14 sight of ww2. So I'd go for Stingers - it can lock on on warm objects, like the engine section, exhausts or coolers, and has excellent range & speed. The warhead will do more damage than 40mm shell, that is more than enough to ruin a day even for a 2-engined aircraft of ww2. Added speed from parent aircraft is another bonus. Stand-off range is incomparable vs. the airborne guns of ww2.
Stingers are primarily made to lock onto jet exhaust. From any distance, I'm thinking it would be very difficult for it to lock onto anything with a piston engine. The difference in heat between the two exhausts is enormous. Can anyone with practical experience address this?

RIM-92 will happily lock on to any heat source, including a piston engined plane.... it will even lock into a car.
Yeah, but from what range? It was mentioned the Stinger would give any WWII plane the stand-off range advantage over the MGs and cannons of the day. How far out, at any decent altitude and a couple hundred knots airspeed, could one reliably lock onto a piston engine? If we're talking high altitude combat, as in the ETO, the air up there is pretty cold, so the exhaust heat would dissipate very quickly.

A stinger uses a combination of passive IR and UV shadow detection.
It locks onto ANY heat source validated by a UV shadow that it's aimed at...they've even been used against AFVs by locking onto the AFV's engine signature.
Sorry, when you suggested a laser, I thought you were making an attempt at referencing the gun shop scene in the first Terminator movie:

The Terminator: [In a gun shop] The 12 gauge autoloader.
Shopkeeper: [Passes him the gun] That's Italian, you can go pump or auto.
The Terminator: The .45 longslide, with laser sighting.
Shopkeeper: [Passes the Terminator the gun, the Terminator "plays" with it] These are brand new, we just got them in. That's a good gun. You just touch the trigger, the beam comes on and you put the red dot where you want the bullet to go, you can't miss. Anything else?
The Terminator: Phased plasma rifle in the 40 WATT RANGE
The Terminator: The Uzi 9 mm.
Shopkeeper: [Passes him the gun, the terminator "plays" with the first gun] You know your weapons, buddy. Any one of these is ideal for home defense. So, uh, which'll it be?
The Terminator: All.

Well, as we've invented Stingers back in 1943, I want HEL systems. I'll have AIM-120 too.

Well, as we've invented Stingers back in 1943, I want HEL systems. I'll have AIM-120 too.

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