What music are you listening to....continued II (1 Viewer)

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Born of a Broken Man - Rage Against the Machine

What the hell am I doing, I'm supposed to be going out tonight! Oh well, bus ain't 'til...2016...
I have to eat as well. Well, you've got shower (15-20 minutes), eating (already done, about 5 minutes), shave and brushing of teeth...(5 minutes)...

So, no...but I should start getting ready around now so I have time to relax and pysche myself up for the bitterly minus C temperatures I'm going to endure all night.
Oh god, I got pissed out of my skull ...I don't know what happened after like 1:30am...I probably got mugged. ...I think I spent like £80..ah! ....I'm still feelin' it now. So, yeah...a bit drunk...damn the girls were hot...but I was so drunk I couldn't do anythin'
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