What music are you listening to.....continued

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Oh im upset now Skimm,
I thought US and most other performance aircraft pilots all drove around popping wheels on bikes and shouting yeha ( well the British would shout tally ho) and they require no high level of education or disipline at all to be let loose with a multi million dollar piece of hardware
I dont really care that its farfetched and inaccurate, Its entertaining Even ill admit myself that at the beginning I was saying to myself "Please dont go upside now a couple of feet above the MiG cos that would be saaad"
Well everyone has their opinons...I will now agree with you hawever that Apocalypse Now is overrated. I watched the whole film for the first time lastnight and was a bit disappointed to be honest. It satarts off great, but slowly deteriorates...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Freebird
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