What music are you listening to?...The 6th Chapter

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Sounds like you were at a Right Wing political band supported by Neo Nazis. Does not sound like fun to me. Sounds like ti was glorifying the Nazis and SS and that is pretty stupid to me.

Oh and I am listening to:

Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls
To have a stage with big screens displaying Hitler giving speeches and SS marching to music. There are bands that do that here in Europe and the US and they are Neo Nazi bands. Please dont take me wrong. I am not accusing you of being one, just saying that is the kind of shows that contain that over here.

What is the name of the band anyhow.
The band is: Vertical Death.

I know of the bands that resort to this type of imagery in Germany, you are right.

I had the chance to speak with both guys after their performance, everyone with red wine cups in our hands, and both are mexicans of German origin; and their grandpas fought in the Heer, but they are no "neo-nazis", at all.

As i told you it was a party -last year- where several bands performed. Each band would play 3, 4 or 5 songs. Excellent ambience, especially for those slim and tall goth girls you had all over the place.

They told me it was their intention to use the German world war two films, and the sound -especiallly of the Stukas and Nebelwerfer- to simply cause the deepest impact possible on the audience. The lyrics on this particular song talk about the destruction of species and forests, and the disaster that befels humankind...

In my opinion the song i uploaded here is 100% brilliant. What about the final part Adler...when they accelerate the drums...awesome. Also the metal styled guitar and all programming were wisely utilized.
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