What Was the worst Aircraft of WWII?

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I was agreeing with you. We agree to disagree, but I was distracted when about to type the message. So it was just 'Eh...' as a lazy, yeah.
I do that often...another I do often is pee...

...some would say I'm diabetic, I would say...I drink a lot.
The doctor said it was ok for me to stop taking it...or was that my parrot. I haven't taken my medication in a few days actually, I have to go take some this weekend and throw up on my brothers carpet for good measure.
My medication is alcohol, or have you not picked up on that. I'd be an alcoholic but I'm not rich enough.
When I drink the advantage will be handed over to me. The moral of the story being, abusing alcohol has absolutely no negative consequences.
You see that's why you have a can of beer in the morning, it stops the hangover. Or alternatively you throw up the night before.

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