What Was the worst Aircraft of WWII?

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It's your own fault, you should not be influenced by a border-line alcoholic.

You should at least get drunk once in your life though. Just to see what it's like. IT'S GREAT!
So, just gulp half a litre of Vodka straight down and you'll be drunk.

Or drink Bacardi Breezers, you can't even taste the alcohol. That's why they suck, but you could get drunk on them!
Until the day I pour vodka on a chicks stomach and lick it off, it's not a fetish. Now there's an idea...<memo to self - New life goal - lick vodka off womans stomach>

Beer and vodka...are both good.

So I'll get drunk then pee in your ice tea, second hand alcohol!
Do I look like the kind of person that would know a joke about alcohol?
It's obviously YOU that is the bad influence on me. With your alcohol jokes, your tempting me to drink me.
Don't tell me they are actually getting to you with that crap!?! I've always wondered why they still tell us not to go out drinking, and you're WHY!!! You know by letting it work, you are ruining it for everyone!

I don't poison your mind. The alcohol does, and it's sooooo good.
I don't really like it, but when that is all that is available..you have ot make do.

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