What Was the worst Aircraft of WWII?

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I probably have heard of him, but because my brain is from the same evolutionary species as the common sieve things just dont linger round in there too long
Sanitation? Schools? Roads?

And the Germans invented the car...

But the Americans invented condensed milk so they must be the most innovative nation in the world.

Ok that was slightly camp...

Anyway i thought the Americans invented the telephone, its just that Bell got his patent there first.

America invented the reusable space shuttle too 8)

France invented powered flight, in the form of a dirigible...

The DuPoint Brothers or something...
actually there's a place in summerset, can't remember what it's called, that is internationally known as the home of powered flight.................
we had a project that could have flown in the 1800s, but the government withdrew funding, there's been a reconstruction of the plane to the exact same specifications and it worked................

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