What was the worst Aircraft of WWII?

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i'm guessing it took off from france, thus avoiding brittish radar, and i assume the americans didn't use radar 'cos whet with all their bigheadedness, they thaught no-one could get accross the atlantic, and as for the convoys, aslong as it wasn't bothering you, you left it alone in case it did attack you, but if you didn't hurt them, there's a chance they won't hurt you..................

well, that would be the typical american attitude wouldnt it!
the lancaster kicks ass said:
i'm guessing it took off from france, thus avoiding brittish radar, and i assume the americans didn't use radar 'cos whet with all their bigheadedness, they thaught no-one could get accross the atlantic, and as for the convoys, aslong as it wasn't bothering you, you left it alone in case it did attack you, but if you didn't hurt them, there's a chance they won't hurt you..................

what about fighter patrols around the coastline?
Just to clarify the matter.... Cornwall, or Kernow, is a formmaly independant country, conquered by Anthelston, King of West Saxons in 936AD. He missapproriatted all cornish lands east of the tamar and established the boundray for Cornwall from the East bank of the tamar. Until the 14th ccentury, all legal references were made to Anglia et Cornubia", England-Cornwall as cornwall was not incorporated into england despite being conquered in 1351.Cornwall is obviously a region in the southwest area of Great Britian. Technically it is a Duchy and not part of england, althought currently it is primarilly administered as an english county.
For those that will scoff, i have another argument. To say that Cornwall is a county of England is not the say that it is IN england. Corsica is French, but obviously not in the country of france. Either way, i hope this clears up the debate.

Oh and by the way, i just couldn't stay away!
The Condor FW 200 flew from Berlin to New York nonstop in 20 hours. But it was in August 1938 and not during the war. So the Germans could have bombed New York if they had wanted to. The Japanese also had a copy of the Condor in their aircraft inventory


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The Japanese also had a copy of the Condor in their aircraft inventory
DEAR GOTT!!! Ich nicht wiss das!!!!! Und die Kondor ist wunderbar to me!!! how did i not know that?!!??! (this isnt sarcasm either!!!) do you hae any pics or info (designation, specs, etc.)?
So the Germans could have bombed New York if they had wanted to
they were training for it too, but decided it wasnt worth the waste of the plane because they had to ditch and be picked up by submarine crews, and anyway, although i love the old bird, it does have a VERY modest payload....


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Once the V-2 was in production there was already the A10 (Would become V-3) on the drawing board which was the worlds first ICBM capable of hitting New York, then bombers going to New York would have been pointless.
Then there were the sub-orbital bombers the Germans were working on.
ah yes, crazy Dr. Sanger and his wacky ideas (it would have probably worked if the resources were available, however)...
(more Sanger Amerika Bomber info here: http://www.luft46.com/misc/sanger.html )

Once the V-2 was in production there was already the A10 (Would become V-3) on the drawing board which was the worlds first ICBM capable of hitting New York, then bombers going to New York would have been pointless
for that post by plan_D regarding the V-3, although i have never heard of that missle, i give it credit and do not doubt its research, but are you sure it wasnt the V-4? because there WAS indeed a V-3, it was even fired once. it was an artillery gun with a 150m long barrel and a 1,524m per second firing speed. more info on that gun here: http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/2833/wunderwaffen/supergun/v-3/v-3.html . one of the unique things and reasons for such a high shell speed of this gun was that there were many firing chambers along the barrel, not just one. so that way, whenever the shell flew by one of the firing chambers, another primer would fire.
Germans do not mistake the 'Would become V-3' as it was named the V-3. The official designation was A10, as it never left the drawing board but the idea was written down, and it would have been named the V-3 upon production start. The V-2 was originally the A4 when it was in research and testing stage.

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