And thats what I'm trying to establish tbh. In in this case, its likely. 90" diameter is pretty specific and unique for a watts type two blader. It completely rules it out as a prop for a number of aircraft - especially any with a Merlin (regardless of pitch orientation). Study pictures of Ansons manufactured in Canada and you'll also see that their props have brass sheathed leading edges (which this doesn't have) - and later marks also have spinners. Oxfords don;t ever seem to have had any. Many Oxfords had Fairey-Reed metal props. So there are LOTS of clues and indications of likelihood, if you can find someone with the knowledge to work things out by a process of elimination. Its that which has allowed me to get this far with the help of others. If I can unearth some more clues, its still entirely possible that I'll get a definitive answer. I'm hoping to find more hints under the paint,