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Btw, can anyone show me a Bf 109F/G with underwing fuel tanks? I have never seen a picture of one.
The Ki-61 had the firepower at the end of '43 / beginning of '44. More a late attempt to mantain serviceable an old design than a feature of the model. The airframes of Bf109F and C.202 had received the firepower, along with new engines that increased performances instead of degrade them, a year, or more, before.
And the first ot these conversions was made in late 1943 / early 1944, the last in july 1944.Many of the Ki-61-I's had 20 mm cannon:
First there were the 400 fighters that had the Mauser MG 151/20 installed in the wings. Cannons were delivered from Germany by submarine.
Given the larger wing surface in comparison with the other two, it's probable that it was the bes suited for a DB605.With a good / reliable DB 605D class engine, I believe the Ki-61 was the best airframe,
There is quite a bit of debate on the subject of the Italian explosive 12,7 mm cartridge. Some say it was ineffective.I picked the Macchi C.202 because the build quality was actually quite good and although the firepower is a bit light, it also had an explosive shell for the 12.7 mm gun. The climb rate of the Ki-61-I was just way too slow. The Me 109F had a speed advantage but very heavy control forces and a poor roll rate at high speed.
Count-in 40 G-6/R3. There were many hundred G-8 recons built but I have not heard about a long range variant amongst them.At least 80 G-4/R3s LR recon planes had the capacity to use 2x300l drop tanks
Count-in 40 G-6/R3. There were many hundred G-8 recons built but I have not heard about a long range variant amongst them.