Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot ?

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Master Sergeant
Greetings ladies and gentlemen.

I found those picture over the internet and I thought it would be fun to post them here...


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That Microsoft picture was the actual Christmas card they sent to their customers in 1978. Does that look like a genetic bouillabaisse, or what! Either that or maybe the extras they used in Deliverance!
My phisolophical thought...

If socialism is the "left", then the National-Socialist Party (later called Nazi Party) was on the left. If that party was on the left, then why does everybody say that Hitler was on the right ?
Maestro said:
My phisolophical thought...

If socialism is the "left", then the National-Socialist Party (later called Nazi Party) was on the left. If that party was on the left, then why does everybody say that Hitler was on the right ?

Because he went "FULL CIRCLE!" (God I crack myself up!)
The Nazis were considered right wing socialists because the political philosophy is anchored in fascism which is a creature of the right that advocates state control of key industries as opposed to basically the entire economy. (It isn't the same brand of socialism that you think of when it's on the left.)

Another misconception is that fascism is a racist ideology. The Nazis were indeed racialists but that element of their distinctive fascism is not a necessary condition of fascism in and of itself. Look at Italy (birthplace of fascism) and Spain for example. It is fierce nationalism that is the cornerstone and glue of the fascist state. The Nazis, however, viewed their nationalism in terms of race, hence the importation of race into their ideology.

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