Which ACE would have shot each other down in a dogfight better iN A DOGFIGHT

  • Lydia Litvyak (in a yak 1)

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • Erich Hartmann (in a ME 109E)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Either could win

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters

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Mr. Supermarine, that is the mostest stupidest question
I have seen on this site. You might want to put a whole
lot more thought into your question.

You might want to do a little thinking and then understand
that the greatest ace/aces of the war was/were the one/ones
that helped others to the best of his/their ability/abilities.

That is how I see that, Jeff
I am sorry I do not understand your comment
What are the exact circumstances that these two meet?
At what altitude?
Which Yak-1? (The batches produced differed greatly in performance.)
Which Bf.109E? (Performance varied.)
Is this to be set up as a duel like Dickenson and Mussolini at the
beginning of The Ragged, Rugged Warriors by Martin Caidin?
, Jeff
The outcome of a dogfight of two great flyers has many
The pilot's abilities and his aircraft's.
The state of mind of each pilot and their health.
The engine's ability to perform at the time of conflict.
Just too many variables.
I really am not qualified to answer the question. If
every piece of machinery was at its best and the
pilots were at the prime of their life and fighting ability.
Well then, I would say the outcome would be up to God.
Yep, that is exactly how I see that. Jeff
Say they all have everything maximum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The one who saw the other first
I believe Super is talking about a duel between two pilots that have agreed to a duel and
are meeting out on the streets of Dodge City at noon.

, I think I am just going to go throw some popcorn in the microwave
and grab an ice cold beer out of the freezer. Joe, I'll order a pizza and
make sure there is plenty of beer in the freezer. Do you want me to go
out and rent a good movie? Of course you are invited over. What brand of
beer should I get?

Yes, I will put up extra chairs for the crew and order plenty of pizza.
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I am just funning with you man. You are asking a hypothetical
question that nobody can truly answer. Anything can happen
in a dogfight where both pilots are aware of each other. Of course
the better pilot has the edge, providing his plane does not let
him down. The very first initial production batch of Yak-1s was
watched closely and of excellent performance that would give
any Bf.109E a trouncing provided pilot abilities were even and
engines were in peak performance. After the first batch of Yak-1s
produced there was great difficulties with production that did not
allow the Yak-1 to fully reach its potential until the Bf.109F-1/2
came along. That was just for a very short while. The Bf.109F-4
completely outclassed the Yak-1.
Why don't you ask Biff 15 how much fun it would be to go up
into the air with the last state-of-the-art F-15 against an F-22?
That is exactly how the Yak-1 pilots of 1942 felt when they
had to face the Bf.109F-4s.
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But his exact words...

"If these two aces had met who would have shot each other down"

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