No fight needed and I may have been a bit animated but it was on your list of "appear inadequate" and I was giving my reasons.
You seem to be a nice guy. I will put forth a new opinion that the best five dive bombers of the war included the Ju 87.
I still advocate that, everything else being equal, radial engines were better to take into combat than inlines. If you go into combat with liquid-cooled engine, you better not get a stray bullet in your radiator. Taking the dive-bomber's likelihood of coming into contact with intense surface fire, I would much rather take my chances with a radial than an inline.
Now, as for the dive and torpedo bomber melee that some of you people have been engaging in, I don't know a whole lot about all these things, but for my two cents, I once had an opportunity to speak at length with a former USN pilot who had flown both the SBD and SB2C in combat, and he told me that he much preferred the SBD because it dived at a slower speed and was more controllable. He indicated that if he were in his dive in an SBD, he would be near vertical, and if he needed to make a course correction in mid-dive, it was a simple matter of a flick to the ailerons, and he would be back on target. He said with the SB2C, the dive was too fast and too hard to control to make much adjustment. I can't remember what or whether he said about the SB2C's dive angle.
Anyway, I visited him with my dad, circa 1992, at his home in New Hampshire. I don't know what has become of him since then, whether he is still alive or not, or what his name is. He had the distinction of flying the two dive bomber types, as well as the F6F in combat, and one other type which I can't remember for sure, but I think was the TBM. He flew the F2A during training at Pensacola. He was an extensive modeler, especially with flying models. He had dozens, maybe even 100 or more, completed flying models in his house, which was set up as a private museum. One B-26 model had to have been at least 6 feet wide. He had literally hundreds of unopened balsa kits in his attic. I wish I could remember his name. Anyway, we spent several hours with him, and it was a most rewarding day.