Would this one be possible?

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Airman 1st Class
Apr 18, 2011
In view of the coming date, 1 August, I'd like to ask if a game like this would be possible.

This was Operation Tidal Wave.

My question is about a group player game(I am not familiar with computer games, so bear with me, gentlemen, as I'm groping here), in which each aircraft, not just the B24s, but the other combatants, would have multiple participants, depending on the aircraft, the B24s having the pilot on down to the individual gunners, each BF 110 having two participants, and so on.

I'm not sure if this'd ever be doable, it has been something I'd been thinking about for a very long time, and now I finally got the nerve up to just go "out there" and ask if it would be.
MAN, I would hope so, at some point. World War II Online has multi-crewing, but only two people per vehicle, planes included. I believe there was one game I heard of with up to three people in a crew. With the Star Trek Bridge Simulator, there ARE more people in the crew, but it's just a single crew playing against AI.

In IL-2, multi-crew aircraft can have an entire crew of humans, determined by the type. If any humans do not populate the station, an AI takes up that position.

You can also opt to move about the positions in-game as long as there are no other humans in that position, otherwise you go to the next available AI crewed position.
Single seat fighters only?
No, like I said in my first post, any multi-crew aircraft that's available to a human pilot.

Years ago, my friends and I would go aboard an He111 as gunners, letting the pilot be an AI and we'd do our best to defend it from other friends and AI pilots - hard as hell, but alot of fun at the same time.
That is one thing I didn't know. Fantastic news. Without there being heavy bombers ingame, isn't the max crew still only two or three though?

No, the max. amount of humans allowed is only limited to active positions of the aircraft: pilots, gunners bombardiers, etc.

Some of the aircraft with more than two crew positions available are:
Some of the aircraft with more than two crew positions available are:

Well, the Havoc and Pe-2 still have only three people, and the G4M is a big target, waiting to explode. The Ant (TB-3) is antiquated. I don't fly Axis, so scratch the 111. The Mitchell, however... HMMMMMMM... I am definitely going to have to look into that in a BIG way.


If you use either the VP mod or BAT mod of IL-2 you have multi-crew B24, 29s and 17s along with RAF Wellington, Lancs etc.
No, the max. amount of humans allowed is only limited to active positions of the aircraft: pilots, gunners bombardiers, etc.

Some of the aircraft with more than two crew positions available are:
Do you have any heavies planned? Lancaster, B17, B24, Sunderland and related?
Do you have any heavies planned? Lancaster, B17, B24, Sunderland and related?
I don't know if there were any flyable four engined types in later releases, although I know there were "MODS" that made AI types flyable up through the 1946 release.

CFS3 had quite a few four engine types that were flayable, including the B-29 that had an Atomic bomb loadout in the Firepower upgrade.

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