WW2 field guns, your choices

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Senior Master Sergeant
Dec 24, 2007
An other episode...
this way i do only a thread for the 3 field categories (light, medium, heavy)
common requiremnt is ever actual combat in WW2
categories requirements
light field: weight until 2.5 tons, range almost 12 km
medium field: weight until 5 tons, range almost 14 km
heavy field: weight until 7.5 tons, range almost 16 km
starting to put some data
light field guns list (errors and omissions are possible)
model/combat weight/range/shell weight/elevation/traverse

75 M1916/ 1.5 tons/ 12.1 km/ 6.6kg/ -7°+53°/ 45°
Skoda M2830 75and76.5/ 1.8/ 13.5/ 8/ -8+80/ 8
75 Type 90/ 1.4/ 13.8/ 6.6/ -8+43/ 50
7.5 FK16na/ 1.5/ 12.3/ 5.8/ -9+44/ 4
75/32 Mod.37/ 1.2/ 12.5/ 6.3/ -10+45/ 50
76 Model 1902/30/ 1.3/ 13.4/ 6.3/ -3+37/ 5
76 Model 1933/ 1.4/ 14/ 7.1/ +43/ 5
76 Model 1936/ 1.6/ 13.6/ 6.2/ -5+75/ 60
76 Model 1939/ 1.5/ 13.2/ 6.2/ -5+45/ 60
76 Model 1942/ 1.2/ 13.2/ 6.2/ -5+37/ 54
85 M25/27/ 2/ 15.1/ 10/ -6+65/ 54
25 pdr/ 1.8/ 12.2/ 11.3/ -5+45/ 8(360)
105 L Mle 1913 S/ 2.3-2.5/ 11.8-13.6/ 14.9-16.9/ -5+37/ 5-13
107 Model 1910/ 2.5/ 12.5/ 16.4/ -5+37/ 6

for the 105 Mle 1913 there is a range because sorce from the different countries, was in use in seven, give different data (this is easily understable for shell and range, less for traverse and weight)

A lot of armies use the same carriage for 75-76mm field guns and 100-105mm howitzers and again for 100-107mm guns and 150-155mm Howitzers. There were a few exceptions, British used the same carriage for 4.5in guns and 5.5in gun/howitzers, US use the same carriage for a 4.5in gun and a 155mm Howitzer. Russians swapped 122mm and 152mm barrels.
The trade was always a smaller lighter, shell with longer range than the larger howitzer could reach. Russians tended to skip the 100-107mm howitzer but their 76mm field guns would range to 14km for some of the old long barreled guns.
medium field gun list
model/combat weight/range/shell weight/elevation/traverse
104 Model 1915/ 3 tons/ 16,2 km/ 16,1 kg/ -10°+30°/ 6°
105/32 Mod.15/ 3.3/ 14+/ 16,2 kg/ -10+30/ 6
10.5 M15/26/ NA/ 15.7/ 15.6/ NA/ NA
10.5 vz.35/ 4.2/ 18.1/ 18/ -6+42/ 50
105 wz.29/ 2.9/ 15.2/ 15.4/ 0+43/ 50
105 Mle 1925/27/ 3.3/ 15.5/ 15.7/ -3+60/ 80
105 Mle 1936/ 4.1/ 16.4/ 15.7/ 0+43/ 49
10 Type 14/ 3.1/ 15.3/ 15.8/ -5+43/ 30
10 Type 92/ 3.7/ 18.2/ 15.8/ -5+45/ 36
105 Bofors/ 3.8/ 16.3/ 16/ -5+42/ 60
10 K 17/ 3.3/ 16.5/ 18.5/ -2+45/ 6
107 Model 1910/30/ 2.5/ 16.1/ 17.2/ -5+37/ 6 (this is round down to 2.5, the light with 2.5 are round up to 2.5)
107 Model 1940/ 4/ 18.3/ 17.2/ -4.5+45/ 60
Most armies only used the older stuff because they couldn't get newer stuff.

German 10cm K 17 10 cm K 17 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
German 10cm K 18 10 cm schwere Kanone 18 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An increase in range of around 2500meters for an increase in weight of around 50% may not be worth it. However the increase in traverse for 6 degrees to 64 degrees may very well be worth it.

Germans certainly put no new box trail guns with limited traverse into service/production in the 1930s and WW II. They may have used every old gun they could get their hands on to equip the large numbers of divisions they were raising which outstripped production. Doesn't mean that some of the old guns were really very good, just available.
heavy field gun list
model/combat weight/range/shell weight/elevation/traverse
10.5 31M/ 6/ 19.5/ 17.5/ -5+45/ 45 (most sources report this as the 105 Bofors gun but the alone data i found show a different gun)
s 10 FK 18/ 5.6/ 19/ 15.1/ 0+45/ 60
s 10 K 42/ 5.7/ 21.1/ NA/ NA/ NA (i think are the same of K 18)
BL 4.5-inch/ 5.8/ 18.7/ 24.9/ -5+45/ 60
4.5 inch M1/ 5.7/ 19.3/ 24.9/ 0+65/ 53
120 L Mle 1931/ 5.5/ 17.5/ 21.9/ 0+38.5/ 60
122 Model 1931/ 7.1/ 19.8/ 25/ -2+45/ 56
122 Model 1931/37/ 7.1/ 19.8/ 25/ -2+65/ 58
BL 5.5-inch/ 6.2/ 16.5/ 36.3/ -5+45/ 60
152 Model 1910/30/ 6.5/ 16.8/ 43.6/ -5+40/ 4.5
152 Model 1910/34/ 7.1/ 17/ 43.6/ -4+45/ 58
152 Model 1937/ 7.1/ 17.2/ 43.6/ -2+65/ 58
start to put my choices
light field gun
horse towed hard ground 85mm Schneider Mle 1925/27 (F-22 if you want a 75-77mm gun)
horse towed soft ground 76mm ZiS-3
tires choice 25 pdr (very limited sample with tires...) a bith short ranged...
for the heavy field gun
i've no one gun
the K 42 has the longest range and is low in weight but has also the lightest shell
the 152 Model 1937 has the heaviest shell is heavy in weight and short ranged
probably the 4.5 inch M1 gun is the right, low weight, good range, and a 25 kg shell (i know of its low HE however the shell is large so probably we had not many ma large fragments i suppose that the british that designed their shell had some reasons for that)
British designed the shell to be cheap.

There is a reason the 4.5 was declared obsolete in September 1945.

In US service it had ONLY HE shell.
In British Service a flare marker shell was sometimes used for signalling attack aircraft.

Neither army used a smoke shell or any other type of projectile which rather limits the usefulness of the gun.
i suppose that reason was the 5.5 inch gun and the combination of 155 M1 howizer and M1 gun

tomo pauk what you disliked in my post?
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