If you ever get the chance to go to the German go to the Deutsches Musuem they have Me-262's, Bf-109E, Bf-109G, Me-163, He-162, Do-335, Ar-232, Ju-88, Ju-52/3m, Do-17, He-219, Bf-110, Fw-190A, Ju-87, Hs-129, Ar-196, Do-24, Ba-349, V-1 and V-2 Rockets. That is just what I can remember off the top of my head and just the German Aircraft. They also have a slew of WW2 British and American aircraft. Very good museum I might add for natural history and what not. It is basically the German version of the Smithsonian Institute. They have a partnership with the Smithsnonian Institute and share there things all the time. I recall the Do-335 being on loan to the National Air and Space museum for quite some time. It might be back in Germany now because I did not see it in Febrauary when I was in Washington D.C.