WW2 Us Bomber Decals

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richard schwab

Jan 25, 2009
I am working on a Minicraft 144 Scale B-29. This was a swap meet buy for
$2.00 and the decals are missing. Any suggestions on sources for such basics as national insignias and serials numbers?

Thanks Rich
Maybe a search through some of the decal manufacturers might find something, although it might be difficult in that scale. Some of the 1/72nd scale 'fighter sized' decals might just about work though, seeing as the B29 is so big, maybe from the above, or from the 'spares box'.
Thank you

I have had that same advice from a friend. That requires a 30 mile trip to the
nearest Hobby Shop that carries decals in my area. In my online searching
i found I-94 Interprises who list a product US-114 100 / 144 scale Bomber
decals i will give them a try.

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