WWI Art....

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1918 AFC 2 Sqn SE5a George Cox - Mark Postlethwaite....

1918 Two Birds With One Stone - Russell Smith

Two Birds with One Stone depicts an engagement on Sept. 9, 1918, in which Capt. H.P. Lale and 2/Lt H.L. Edwards achieved simultaneous victories against Fokker DVIIs while flying Bristol fighter E'2181. Lale's combat report reads as follows:"One Fokker Biplane passed within 30 yards of Bristol Fighter E2181. Capt. Lale put about 50 rounds into it and sent it down in flames. The observer (2/Lt Edwards) was in the meantime firing with double Lewis gun at another E.A. about 40 yards away on the left. This E.A. first spun, then appeared to gain control, but a few seconds later burst into flames. Both these E.A. appeared to be falling into the middle of St. Quentin."

1918 8 Sqn Armstrong Withworth FK8 - Paul Monteagle....

1918 Italy RAF 139 Sqn Bristol F2B Sydney Dalrymple - Martin Novotny....

1918 Tondern Raid RNAS Sopwith Camel 2F.1 B.A. Smart - Martin Novotny....

1918 84 Sqn S.E.5a D6149 George Vaughn - First Victory - Roy Grinnell....

First Victory" is co-signed by WWI Ace George Vaughn. Before enlisting in the Army, Vaughn learned to fly while attending Princeton University in 1917. He completed his flight training in England and was assigned to 84 Squadron as an S.E.5a pilot in May 1918. Before his transfer to the United States Air Service on 27 August, he scored 7 victories while serving with the Royal Air Force. Vaughn scored his first two victories with the 17th Pursuit Squadron on 22 September 1918. Twice that day, he engaged Fokker D.VIIs, downing Friedrich Noltenius of Jasta 27 and Karl Bauerbfeind of Jasta 34 before his own Sopwith Camel was shot down by Wilhelm Neuenhofen of Jasta 27. Vaughn scored 4 more victories by the end of the war.Shown here is his first victory over a Pfalz DIII over Beaucourt.

1918 05 Palestine 111 Sqn Bristol Fighter - Terrence Jones....

1918 RAF 40 Sqn SE5a D3540 Captain G H Lewis - Brian Knight....

1918 RAF 209 Sqn Sopwith Camel Roy Brown....

1918 RAF 54 Sqn Sopwith Camel B7407 - Russell Smith....

Sopwith Camel number B7407 on approach to Clairmarais aerodrome on April 23, 1918. B'7407 was assigned to 54Sq RAF, which was based at Clairmarais during this period. On April 23, Lt. RTT Waring crashed this Camel upon landing but walked away from the incident.

1918 RNAS 10 Sqn Two for B Flight - James Dietz....

1918 52 Sqn RE8 - Bus Number 7 - Russell Smith....

This particular "Harry Tate", RE8 A4267, served with 52 Sq from February to March of 1918. Unlike most RE8s which carried only single Lewis gun at the observer's position, this one carried a twin Lewis mount. Interestingly, the covering of the center portion of the bottom wings was cut away (doubtless for improved visibility), leaving only the spar tubes.

1918 9 Naval Sqn Sopwith Camel Roy Brown....

1918 56 Sqn MacCudden shoots down Green Tail - Steve Anderson....

1918 RFC 56 Sqn SE5a Lt K W Junor - Michael Turner....

1917 Savoia Pomilio 3 - Robert Karr....

1917 SPAD VII S143 Escadrille N3 Georges Guynemer - Mark Postlethwaite....

1917 SPAD VII SPA48 Armand de La Turenne - Iain Wylie....

1917 Nieuport 17 Escadrille N77 Maurice Boyau - Martin Novotny....

1917 Nieuport 25 Escadrille V116 Charles Nungesser - Iain Wylie....

1917 The Boy Legend - Merv Corning....

1917, January 26. Georges Guynemer, the boy legend of the French air force was flying a SPAD VII over Chaulnes. Although his gun was jammed, he dove a t a two-seat Albatros as if to fire. Keeping less than thirty feet behind the German, Guynemer chased it toward the French lines. all the time, the two planes were getting closer to the ground. Finally, at 300 feet, the Albatros signalled surrender and landed. The first time an airplane surrendered in the air to an unarmed pilot.

Sopwith Camel y Zeppelin Z-53....

Airco DH4 - Michael Turner....

1917 Short Admiralty -Shigeo Koike....

1917 Martynside Elephant - Seweryn Fleischer....

1917 Airco DH5 A9449 Captain G.C. Wilson, 2 Sqn AFC, 1917 - Seweryn Fleischer....

1917 Sopwith Camel F1 28 Sqn William Barker....

1917 Sopwith Camel B6314 28 Squadron 2Lt WH Winter - Michael Turner....

1917 Bristol F.2B C4614 - Michael Turner

1917 56 Sqn vs Werner Voss - Michael Turner....

1917 Sopwith Triplane N5482 8 Naval Sqn Flt Lt Charles Booker vs von Tutschek - Mark Postlethwaite....

1917 Sopwith Triplane N533 Black Maria Raymond Collishaw - Robert Karr....

August, 1917, Raymond Collishaw leads the Sopwith Triplanes of Naval 10 in a dogfight against the Albatrosses of Jagdstaffel 11. The German fighter in the upper left was flown by Carlos Meyer Baldo,the only Venezuelan in the German Air Force! Theparticular Sopwith Triplane shown here was a rare late version with twin guns rather than the usual single gun.

1917 Sopwith Camel F.1, B3834, Flt-Lt A F Brandon - S. Tarasovic....

1917 Sopwith Triplane N533 Black Maria Raymond Collishaw - Brian Knight....

1917 Sopwith Triplane 8 Naval Sqn Robert Little - J. Velc....

1917 Sopwith Camel vs Albatros - Roy Cross....

1917 SE5a A8936 60 Sqn Billy Bishop - Robert Karr....

1917 Hunting the Hunter - N. Galloway....

1917 Sopwith Triplane N533 Raymond Collishaw - S. Tarasovic....

1917 Nieuport 17 - 29 Squadron - Michael Turner....

1917 Sopwith Triplane - 10 Naval Squadron - Black Flight - Terrence Jones....

1917 Airco DH 5 A9435 No 24 Sqn - Brian Knight....

1917 Sopwith Triplane skis Rusia - S. Tarasovic....

1917 FE 2b vs Jasta 2 - James Dietz....

1917 Sopwith Triplane 1 Naval Squadron Roderic Dallas - Mark Postlethwaite....

1917 SPAD VII No 19 Sqn Visit From the Brass - James Dietz....

1917 Sopwith Pup B1719 66 Squadron 2Lt AV Shirley - Peter Adby....

1917 Sopwith Pup 66 Squadron 2t R S Capon - Maksim Bylkin....

1917 Nieuport 23 60 Sqn Billy Bishop - S Tarasovic....

1917 F.E. 8 6456 40 Sqn vs Kurt Wolff - Paul Monteagle....
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1917 FE2 vs Werner Voss - Brian Knight....

1917 Sopwith Triplane N5459 1 Naval Squadron Anthony Spence- S. Tarasovic....

1917 SS15 dirigible - Giuseppe Rava....

1917 The sergeant and the cow - Merv Corning....

1917, January 7. Sergeant Thomas Mottershead of No.20 Squadron and his observer Lieut. W.E. Gower, in a F.E.2D were attacked by a flock of Albatros DIIs. The Fee (once called a "cow and a blunderbuss") fought hard. But its gas tank exploded. Literally sitting on fire, Mottershead miraculously landed the flaming plane. Gower lived. The Sergeant didn't. But he became the only British non-commissioned officer awarded the Victoria Cross for bravery in the air during World War I.

Lohner L Walter Zelezni y Macchi M.5....

1917 Lohner L - Robert Karr....

1917 Duel Above the Piave - Ivan Berryman....

On 23rd November 1917, flying in company with Frank Linke-Crawford, Oberleutnant Brumowski shared in the destruction of two Italian Nieuport scouts near the mouth of the Piave River, as depicted here, flying Albatros D.III (Oeffag)153.45 of Flik 41J bearing his personalized skull motif and all-red colour scheme applied over the original mottled factory finish. Frank Linke Crawford's Albatros can be seen circling in the distance.

1917 Albatros DIII Oeffag 153.10 Godwin Brumowski - Seweryn Fleischer....

1917 Albatros DIII Oeffag Flik 41J Godwin Brumowski - Mark Postlethwaite....

1917 Ace of the Isonzo - Ivan Berryman....

Scoring a handful of victories in May and June of 1917, Austro-Hungarian ace Godwin von Brumowski added steadily to his ever-increasing score on the Italian Front. But in August, with the increased Italian activity in the air in preparation for and during the 11th Battle of the Isonzo, he entered a period of extraordinary success, scoring 18 victories between 10th and 28th, most of these being scored in his favorite Hansa Brandenburg D.1 (KD) 28.69 Star-Strutter, depicted here above Plava on the banks of the Isonzo river, sending a Caudron C.IV down in flames on the early evening of the 11th, his second for the day. Brumowski's aircraft was notable for its camouflaged upper wing surfaces, a swirl pattern in olive greens that he had designed himself and which blended his plane into the green wooded foothills of the Southern Austrian Alps, north of his base at Sesana, outside of Trieste.

Junkers J1 - S. Tarasovic....


AEG G.IV Paul Monteagle....

AEG GIV - Don Greer....

1917 Friedrichshafen GIII 1036-17 Bogohl 3 - Brian Knight....

1917 Hansa Brandenburg W. 12 Friedrich Christiansen derriba dirigible Astra-Torres C27 - Brian Knight....

1917 Pfalz D.IIIa Jasta 18 Ltn Walther Kleffel - Taras Shtyk....

1917 Albatros DV 4476-17 Jasta 37 Ernst Udet - Mark Postlethwaite....

1917 Albatros D.V 4693-17 Jasta 11, Manfred von Richthofen - Taras Shtyk....

1917 11-21 Balloon Fever - Merv Corning....

1917 November, 21. Leutnant von Eschwege, famed "Eagle of the Aegean Sea" and greatest German ace on the Balkan front, swooped down on the unarmed observation balloon. He ignored the British gunners 2,000 feet below, and, a few yards from the balloon, he opened up. Surprisingly, the British didn't fire. The observer didn't parachute to safety, But the balloon. burst into a explosion that destroyed von Eschwege and his Halberstadt D.III. The balloon was bugged. The observer was a man of straw.

1917 Tango with Naval 10 - Steve Anderson....

1917 Voss shot down by Rhys Davids....

1917 The Sun Sets On Werner Voss - Wilson Hurley....

1917 Voss's 45th victory - Steve Anderson....

1917 First Gotha night raid - Brian Knight....

1917 Rumpler CIV 8500-16 Flieger Abteilung 7 - Brian Knight....

1917 Pfalz DIII 4056-17 Jasta 16b- Robert Karr....

1917 Pfalz DIII 4017-17 Jasta 21, Leutnant Emil Thuy over the Vosges - Taras Sthyk....

1917 Fokker FI Werner Voss....

1917 Albatros W4....

1917 Albatros DV 2299-17 Jasta 26 Bruno Loerzer - Martin Novotny....

1917 Albatros DVa Jasta 28 Max Müller - Terry Jones....

1917 Rendezvous - Steve Anderson....

Hansa Brandenburg prototypes meet U.82 submarine commanded by Kapitänleutnant Hans Adam returning from a patrol.

1917 Albatros W4 late - Taras Shtyk....

1917 DFW CV 799-17 Flieger Abteilung 7 Ltn Mann Ufz Hannell - Brian Knight....

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