WWII A/C: Maximum Mach Number & Airspeed in Dives (1 Viewer)

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It has been claimed that Captain Thomas Mantell's P-51 exceeded mach 1 in his power on dive after encountering the UFO. Speculation I believe and, even if he did, he didn't pull out.
drgondog said:
The placard speed is the maximum 'safe speed'.

0.80 to 0.84M is NOT a safe speed...
I understood what you said :) I merely expressed that I was under a misguided impression.

BTW: Just to be clear the P-51D and P-51H have the same placard speed limits?
I understood what you said :) I merely expressed that I was under a misguided impression.

BTW: Just to be clear the P-51D and P-51H have the same placard speed limits?
Zipper - do not recall, but vaguely remember a higher placard speed for the P-51H.

Was the E-wing cross-sectionally different than the A/B/C/D wings? If so, did it have a higher placard and structural limit?

Was the E-wing cross-sectionally different than the A/B/C/D wings? If so, did it have a higher placard and structural limit?
The H wing was a different airfoil but I am not aware of a different Placard limit dive speed. OTOH, it was stressed for a slightly higher AoA load factor than B/D at combat weight.

Was the E-wing cross-sectionally different than the A/B/C/D wings? If so, did it have a higher placard and structural limit?

Spitfire I meant

The Spitfire wing types A to E used the same profile.

There were structural changes to the C wing compared to the A and B, and the D wing had a different structural leading edge as it incorporated a fuel tank.

Concise Guide To Spitfire Wing Types — Variants & Technology | Reference
The Spitfire has a smaller T/C ratio which delayed transonic effects during a dive and had a slightly higher dive speed than the Mustang.

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