P-39 Expert
If there was no balance issue with the wing forward then there would be more leverage since the tail was farther away from the wing. But I believe the wing was moved back for balance with the extended tail. Hope this helps.And that was a proposed intercooler? I'm curious if a belly radiator of some sort or two ventral radiators like the Spitfire would be workable
So it was further back? On a fighter it'd be under the pilot more or less?
What about the fact that the control linkages would be easier to lay out because of the fact that you don't have any interruptions in the fuselage because of the doors? They just ran them under the doors back to the engine.
There was supposedly a proposal for some kind of higher altitude V-1710 that got cancelled, I'd almost swear I remember hearing that with the P-39. Was this a single stage supercharger with a different gear ratio or a twin-speed set-up? Or was it twin-speed? Maybe the V-1710-59, first attempt at increasing the supercharger gear ratio to 9.6? Unsuccessful because of excessive wear to the supercharger gears. Redesign for wider gears resulted in the successful -83 from August '42.
BTW: While I'm beating a dead horse, I remembered something you stated about the P-63 -- it's wing was moved back by a foot. The changes needed to mount the twin-stage supercharger added some weight and that's why some tankage was moved around and, while a turbocharger would be bulkier and heavier -- if the wings stayed forward by their normal amount, that would mean the space between the wing and the elevator would be much larger, and the wing seems to bear a significant amount of the aircraft's weight, and while I could definitely be wrong, would you be able to have enough leverage to make everything work?
See above.