Neither plane had armor behind the pilots head. What they had were turn over pylons to help prevent pilots form head damage/broken necks incase the plane nosed over on landing.
I have no idea how easy it was to see past these structures and out the window panels in the rear and yes the Severski prototype does have a rather wide strip of metal at the top.
Water injection can certainly be used during the climb. Having an intercooler many times meant increased drag, so not having intercooler also helps with high speed cruise.
Yes, ADI can be used in climb, but with a limited amount of ADi mixture available, any used in climb cannot be used in combat. Or you carry more (= more weight).
Yes, an intercooler/aftercooler will increase drag, but it also increases the efficiency of the engine.
Best guess about 200/mo. 5013 two stage E models for the P-63 for 25 months (April 1943 through May 1945). P-63 cancelled right after VE day. Not including a few F models that didn't get into production.