Yak 23 wingtip tanks

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Airman 1st Class
Feb 10, 2022
Hey people, I'm close to completing a 1/72 Yak-23 (Horrible Mister Craft kit). The kit has decal options for Soviet, Polish, Czech and Bulgarian. I'm leaning towards Czech HX-51. My question relates to the wingtip tanks. The kit instructions shows them on. A photo of HX-51 in Kbely museum Czech Republic, shows no tanks. I'm not sure whether to have them on or not. Were these simply taken on and off and used as required? I think about P80s having them on all the time apart from very early versions. So not sure. Any thoughts? ok cheers.
Well I belive Wurger can answer this best but it appears they are "drop" tanks. Fuel tanks are generally jettisonable are are used to extend range but dropped in case of combat. P-80 was case in point. The Fuel in the drop tanks are used first. Then if they get into a dogfight the tanks are dropped to reduce drag and increase maneuverability.
Yes the additional PTB-190 fuel tanks of 190 l each could be attached and removed easily when required.
A note though .. The HX-51 aircraft belonged to the 3rd Fighter Regiment in Brno. She was bought for the exhibition in the Kbely museum just without the tanks.

A nice short movie with the Czechoslovakian Yak-23s

the nice links ...

and an early shot of the museum kite ...

the source: Jak-23 0101 : Československo
Thanks Guys, Great video Wurger... Most of the images I've seen of these Yak 23s are without wingtip tanks. So I might leave them off. cheers
My pleasure. Years ago I was talking to a pilot who was flying the fighters here in Poland. He said that most of flights were done without the PTB fuel tanks. Certainly there were flights for the long routes or for the maximal range. Then these were attached. In other words if you don't want to attach them to the model or don't have them there is no problem. Both options are correct.

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