Silver wings1
Has anyone had an experience with the Yellow- Wings decals for the SBD kits. I am in the process of building an Accurate Miniatures 1/48 SBD-1 and plan on several others which I've required. The decals I have for the SBD-1 are confusing with minimal information on their placement. They have several long sections(8) In black faded to a lighter shade in the middle. These look like they could be used for the walk ways but have a strange angle cut on one end. There are a couple of red and dark blue pieces a little wider with strange angled cuts with no explanation of their use, Then there are a couple of others that look like they could be used fort the fuselage. No others that would be used for the front of the cowling. I thought that I could cheat a little by not having to do all the masking to paint the various leaders aircraft but this seems to not be an option. The other strange thing is that they only list painting information in Rattle cans rather than regular paint bottles, making it a very expensive proposition of using just a little for each area and then leaving you with an almost full can with no further use.