Zeppelin Graf Zeppelin and other ridgid airships

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Wow...it's still there huh?

Yup, the olympic stadium and overall complex is the largest Nazi structure to survive. The stadium and some of the venues are still used for sporting events to this day. The stadium itself underwent a modernisation a few years back and remains a viable venue for sports events. Football games are frequently held there because of its enormous capacity. It's bigger than it looks from the outside as it is sunk into the ground, so what you see at surface level is only a portion of its size. The Maifeld directly opposite the stadium, where Nazi rallies were held is now a venue for rock concerts. A friend of mine saw Pink Floyd at the Maifeld! Perfect venue for those fascistic overtones in the songs on the band's classic 1979 album The Wall.

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The twin towers at the entrance to the stadum are replicated at the stadium's rear. Note the location of the swastika motif on the furthest tower in the form of the cluster of light coloured dots, visible in the pics with the airship in them above.

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Even the original U Bahn station building exists.

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The Langemarck Turm (tower) at the far end of the Maifeld. This commemorates the Nazis' mythology surrounding losses at Langemarck on the Western Front in WW1 as a part of their warped ideals of racial superiority.

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The stadium taken from the Langemarck Turm.

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In this picture you can see the extent of how much the stadium is sunk below ground level. That's the olympic flame dias at the centre between the two columns.

Europe 400

Nazi era reliefs dotted around the area with motifs pertaining to the XI Olympiade. This is the very German sports of cricket and pint skulling being commemorated... :D

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