Zero detail pictures

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Jul 3, 2007
Anyone have any close-ups of the rear wheel on an A6m7 Zero, or any other version of the zero's rear wheel?
Here are a couple, cropped from full shots I have. There is an A6M3 and A6M5 here. They appear to be pretty much the same. If you need more detail, I can swing by the museum to get some shots next week of the A6M3 tailwheel assembly.


  • a6m3tail_9457.jpg
    33.6 KB · Views: 345
  • a6m5tail_2597.jpg
    46.9 KB · Views: 363
you are a life saver...I am modeling this in 3d for the San Diego Air Museum, i will post pics afterwards if anyone is interested.
Thanks again!
oh, and if you can get close-ups of the rear wheel, and the top of the cowl or anything I would be grateful. What museum is it?

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