Zero Propeller Question

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Jim MacDonald

Mar 12, 2018
Misawa, Japan
Can anybody tell me the length of a single propeller blade from an A6M2-21, A6M3-22/32 and of one from an A6M5. I know the diameter of the props, but I'm looking for the length of single blades.


I do not know the exact length.
The length of a single blade would one half of the diameter when installed in the propeller, i.e. the radius. The blade removed from the propeller/hub you would take off two to three inches as a guess based on other propellers manufacturers.
Based on the Hamilton Standard E shank blade and 3E50 propeller the blade butt would be 2.938 inches out from the center of the propeller rotation, so add 74.62 mm to the length of the blade as it stands, then double it, would get you full diameter of the propeller.

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