Bell Aircraft Corp.. (U.S.)
Crew: 01
Length: 9.2 m
Wingspan: 10.4 m
Height: 3.8 m
Unladen weight: 2425 kg
Maximum takeoff: 3,800 kg
Engine: 01 turboprop 1710-85 Allison V-1200 have thrust the horse.
Speed: 605 ​​km / h
Altitude: 10,700 m
Range: 1770 km
Fire: 01 M4 37mm cannon in the front propeller shaft speed of 140 employees fired per minute; age 04 to 50 (12.7 mm) with 300 rounds per gun, 230 kg bombs.
First flight: 06/4/1939
Value: $ 50,666 (1944)
Production quantity: 9584 pcs.
National use: Australia, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Russia, UK, USA.
Planes compare: Curtiss P-40 Warhawk (U.S.); Messerschmitt Bf-109 (Germany); Supermarine