
  1. WW2 german soldiers with arabic flag..

    I never seen something like this.I know there were some islamic troops but these seem to be born and bread bavarian boys..
  2. My grandparents in WWI

    Today, one hundred years ago, Kingdom of Italy was entering WWI, that cost seven hundred thousand deaths. The very first italian bullet in the the war was shot by Finanziere Costantino Carta, that was born just a few tens of miles far from the place where I live. My Grandfathers, both by...
  3. Nostalgia?

    ...a wishful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time." What is it then, if the time and place is before you were born and to places that...
  4. 2,000 mile roadtrip....

    You're going to do a 2,000 mile roadtrip and you're only allowed to pick a car from the year that you were born... Which will it be?