
  1. Wings of Duty is out for android

    the iOS air combat game Wings of Duty is now available in google play for android. There are now several maps: Pearl Harbor, Guadalcanal, Midway, and New Guinea. recently the B25 and Hudson bombers were added. the game is still in beta but boosts good graphics and a decent assortment of...

    Toronto Blue Jays move into the next round after awesome but confusing Game 5. The umps call was correct on the ball hitting the batter. Had this game gone wrong, I think TO would be burning now. Geo
  3. Flying Tigers: Shadows over China

    i just ran into this PC game that is coming out the other looks promising. Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China
  4. Fighter Wing 2 for android.

    there are several android device games with a ww2 air combat format but the best i have found is a game called fighter wig 2 by mats leine. the flight characteristics are decent for a small game and in some cases better than some i have played on console and PC. there is a large learning curve...
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    War Thunder

    Just wanted to see if people here played the amazing (yet sometimes amazingly frustrating) game. Just a little discussion here about it, considering its about WWII planes.
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    Give your thoughs about the aircraft tech tree of this strategy game

    Hearts of Iron IV - Developer Diary 9 - Vacation and Air tech US tech tree German tech tree I'm a big fan of this WWII strategy game (which is still in pr-alpha). I'd like to hear what you guys think of the air tehcnology aspect of it. The six columns are different classes of aircraft...
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    Little mobile game with WW2 fighters

    Hello, I wonder if anyone would find this little project of mine entertaining. Main idea is about using cards with fighters from the first half of WW2 for a game. Deck of cards is divided randomly between players. The goal is to win all cards from the opponent. The core of the game is about...