
  1. A-bomb dropped on US

    I had no idea this happened
  2. Blade....

    Any idea what this one's called and where to get it?
  3. Can anyone ID the plane this instrument cluster came from?

    A friend of mine found this in a shoe store window in New York City. Any idea what plane it's from?
  4. O

    Whats the deal with Soviet Wing design?

    Just looking at some soviet aircraft of wwii the most distinctive feature is the diamond wings, which basically all of their fighters seemed to feature. Any idea why the soviets were so obsessed with this tapered design? and any idea what the big benefits and disadvantages of it were? I...
  5. W

    Henschel Hs 124 as a light bomber

    Looking at the Hs 124 as light bomber, it looks like with either DB605s, 603s, or BMW 801s it would be as good an option as the Me410 in terms of a light bomber. Does anyone have any idea what it would have been with even the Db601 engines? It looks like it would have been a solid...
  6. Amderma and Rogachevo air bases?

    ....any idea what jets they had based there?
  7. W

    Guts of the P-47, had not idea it was so massive

  8. M


    Someone once said something like this, around WWII era: "Every country enters a war perfectly equipped to fight the last one it fought" Any idea who?
  9. Spad VII C1 - Roden kit in 1:32 scale

    My Albatros is still waiting to be completed, but in the mean time I was thinking to a bird on the other side of the front-line and my decision fall on this kit: The idea is to replicate an Italian bird, may be this one: but I still have to decide. As usual I started from the pilot office...
  10. What plane is this?

    Found this picture on-line. Said it was an A-17 Nomad. I say not with that tail, but I have no idea what it is. Anyone?
  11. Would it be possible to convert Tamiya's Betty to a G4M2 or 3???

    I'm just wondering? Could this be done. Fuselage would need some serious surgery and it would need different shaped engine nacellers and a larger tailfin. But the G4M2/3 also had a redesigned wing with a thicker profile and different airflow. I have no idea how different the wing is of a...
  12. T

    identification aircraft part with painting

    Hello everybody, is it possible to identify the aircraft's type with this two pictures, i haven't more pictures or informations, it looks like a lateral doors. Thanks for :idea: Best regards.
  13. Z

    Luftwaffe ZFR 4 A Gunsight scope

    Hi all, Iam new to the forum because I stumbled on it while researching the following scope. The story is that I was offered this gunsight scope from a picker. He wants me to make an offer but both of us have no idea what a fair price would be. So is there somebody able to tell what the value...
  14. Letter from a Marine

    ".... Rough men doing rough work so that others can sleep safe ...." From a Recon Marine in Afghanistan From the Sand Pit: It's freezing here. I'm sitting on hard cold dirt between rocks and shrubs at the base of the Hindu Kush Mountains, along the Dar'yoi Pamir River, watching a...
  15. Non-turboed P-61: Jack Northrop's idea or the Air Corps' demand?

    Zero answers after 250-odd views at WIX, so maybe you folks can help... I have read that the idea of putting supercharged but non-turbocharged engines on the P-61 was Jack Northrop's idea (presumably to save the weight and space of the turbos and their big intercoolers), and I have read that...