Luftwaffe ZFR 4 A Gunsight scope

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Nov 15, 2014
Hi all,

Iam new to the forum because I stumbled on it while researching the following scope. The story is that I was offered this gunsight scope from a picker. He wants me to make an offer but both of us have no idea what a fair price would be. So is there somebody able to tell what the value of this piece could be ?? I searched the whole web but couldnt find anyhting.

Many thanks, Jens


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Thank you guys !!! Yes there are a few bits missing... The glass looks to be very good. I didnt saw any damage or "fog" and the sight was great. Still Iam no expert on these.
Any ideas what I could offer him ??
Thanks, Jens
I can't help with a valuation, but the 'beh' code was for Ernst Leitz, Wetzlar. The company was a famous optical instrument manufacturer (microscopes, telescopes, binoculars) but is best known for Leica cameras.


Its rare but all depends on what is working or not. I have seen Revi's go for +2000 Euro for very good examples in full working order. I would have to make an offer on this unseen un-tested i would offer 400 just because it its rare, knowing full well it will take a lot more to make it working again. But as it is with all of these relics.. you never know what someone is willing to pay to complete their collections..

General Note: After the collapse, soviet controlled factories now produced all kind of things that were used in their airplanes still carrying the plates as in 3 Reich times. Most note worthy the gun grips and cockpit instrumentation are mistaken for being installed in German aircraft but never were.

Installed in A Me410B-2/U1 it would look like this.

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Hallo Jens,
kann ich Dich mal dringend Anrufen diesbezüglich ? Vielleicht gleich heute Abend ?
Sehr Wichtig...DANKE
Grüsse an Dich

Oliver aus Basel

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