Hi to all
Well known P-47D from Academy.
Out of box, only some correction - shortening about 1mm main lending gears, so now it sits a little better.
Model master olive drab, tamiya neutral gray, washes - artistic oil paints, varnish - gunze mat top cote. Only thing missing on pictures is drop...
The link below provides a collection of photos, including some rare showing planes captured by the Germans with Finnish markings. Do you agree with the statement that the Petlyakov Pe-2 was the best light bomber of World War II? Visit the link, see the photos and give your opinion...
Looking at the Hs 124 as light bomber, it looks like with either DB605s, 603s, or BMW 801s it would be as good an option as the Me410 in terms of a light bomber. Does anyone have any idea what it would have been with even the Db601 engines? It looks like it would have been a solid...
I found two photos of a fascinating Me 262a painted in a very distinctive "squiggle" scheme. These photos are featured in "Stormbirds" by Brett Green and Benjamin Evans on Pg. 29. While this sort of scheme is typical of recon birds, it is unusual to see on the fighter version. I would love to...
I can't find much about the Me410's role as a bomber, other than some night bombing of Britain, as most seemed to have been used as bomber destroyers. How effective was it or would it have been as a daylight light bomber/ground attack aircraft?
An other episode...
this way i do only a thread for the 3 field categories (light, medium, heavy)
common requiremnt is ever actual combat in WW2
categories requirements
light field: weight until 2.5 tons, range almost 12 km
medium field: weight until 5 tons, range almost 14 km
heavy field...
Este avion fue empleado por ambos bandos como plataforma de reconocimiento y bombardeo ligero
These planes were used by both sides as recognicing platform and light bomber.