
  1. syscom3

    Indian Flying Schools - 35 minutes = 360 hours.

    Anupam Verma has a certificate that shows he has flown an aircraft for 360 hours. He says he got it after sitting in the co-pilot’s seat for just 35 minutes. He’s one of dozens of pilots in the country who obtained certificates showing inflated flying hours and ground training, according to...
  2. Njaco

    WWII in 7 Minutes.

    Found this video...... View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOVEy1tC7nk
  3. Njaco

    Some Sad News from New Jersey

    Not many may care about this but I just found out that the hobby store that I have been going to as a kid is going to close. It opened in 1967 and in 1969 I started going there. Haven't stopped since. Just bought a Me 163 1/48 from there last year along with paints and supplies, etc. This place...
  4. rochie

    F-15 crashes in lincolnshire

    no casualties it seems, happened about 90 minutes ago ! BBC News - USAF F-15 jet crashes in Lincolnshire
  5. nuuumannn

    History of the world in two minutes.

    This is pretty cool. Notre Histoire