
  1. S

    Maneuverability of different aircraft

    When I was a kid one of my friend's father's had been a Kingfisher pilot off the Battleship Colorado in WW II. He claimed you could barrel roll the Kingfisher with floats. He also said it lost hundreds of feet of altitude per roll ( I forget how many). Being able to barrel roll a Kingfisher...
  2. F

    P47D Thunderbolt Razorback

    Hi friends, I had made a present for a friend a few years ago. It was scale model P47D (WWII plane). It wasn’t a kit. I found blueprints of P47D, bought balsa wood (1mm and 3mm). It wasn’t easy to built it coz i decided to make “stop-motion” video. I made a piece of plane and take photo. It was...
  3. Navy jet crashes - kills pilot

    :( Jet on Navy training mission crashes, kills pilot - Yahoo News PORT HUENEME, Calif. (AP) — A jet on a military training exercise crashed into an agricultural field near a Southern California Navy base Wednesday, killing the pilot, authorities said. The plane disintegrated when it hit...
  4. Italian pilot found still in his seat

    A group of Italian amateur researchers has unearthed the remains of an Italian World War II pilot who died in a dogfight with U.S. pilots 70 years ago. The pilot was found 13 feet underground with the wreckage of his crashed plane, a Macchi 205 Veltro. His remains were still sitting on the...
  5. Please identify planes in photos of my grandfather

    Hi, I am looking to identify two planes in pictures I have from when my grandfather served in WWII. I have inserted them as they were originally and after slight editing. #1 #2 My grandfather, Bernard J Hurley, was a Corporal in the 895th Chemical Company of the U.S. Army. He...
  6. Want to buy a plane

    TALL TALE [ that’s true ] - AOPA
  7. G

    Erich Hartmann's Bf 109 G-6, callsign "Karaya 1"

    Isn't that a beautiful plane? I like the German winter camouflage schemes, there's something very pretty about them. This particular plane was used by famous Luftwaffe ace Erich Hartmann, the highest scoring fighter ace of all time (352 confirmed kills), on the Eastern Front. It's a skin made...
  8. O

    Looking for more info, FW 190 A9 with BMW 801 TS at 1.82 ATA

    So i found this awhile ago As you can see this is data for flight speed of a FW 190 A9 with a late war BMW 801 TS making roughly 2250hp at 1.82 ATA. What i am wondering if anybody has any other data about this specific plane with this specific high power output engine setup, i am looking for...
  9. D


    Dear All, Here is an old picture of my grandad standing on the wing of a Bomber in the desert during the African Campaign. Anyone know what plane it is and which squadrons operated these in Africa during WW2? Cheers, DanMorris
  10. B

    Did my dad see a Yak and BF109E over Oxfordshire, England Today?

    Hi Guys, Hope ive posted in the right place, but im kind of curious on this one. My dad said to me while doing some gardening for a customer today he saw a Soviet plane he identified as a Yak flying quite low overhead with a BF109. He said he could clearly see the square wings of the...
  11. Malaysia Airlines- flight MH 17

    Good day, I hope the moderators forgive me if I was to start this topic at the wrong place. As you may or not be aware on the 17th of July 2014 a Boeing 777 from Malaysia Airlines was shot from the skies brutely killing all of the 298 people aboard. Because this plane departed from...
  12. H

    Photo of WWII plane found during home renovation

    Hi, We found this photo while gutting our new house. Such an amazing piece of American history and we would love to find out anything more we can. A search of the tail number: 299193 did not turn anything up.
  13. First Time Groupbuilder Questions

    Well guys considering I'm starting out on my first groupbuild I have few questions. What does the category mean And how exactly do you determine it? Is it based on skill level,scale or something else? Also what are the rules for the competition? Is it Judged by category? And do you have to enter...
  14. S

    WWII European Theatre Plane info help

    Hello All I am new here. I was wondering if anyone out there can help me. I am in the middle of writing a film script that takes place in the European Theatre circa WWII and I hoping to find a plane (Allied) that flew night recon, that can be walked through. E.G. from cockpit to the tail...