
  1. T

    German tailwheel - information requested

    Can someone tell me which German aircraft this tailwheel comes from? This tailwheel was found along the banks of the river Waal near Dreumel. The owner used the wheel as part of a wheelbarrow Technical information: diameter wheel: 42,5 cm diameter rim: 19,3 cm Text on tyre: CONTINENTAL Made in...
  2. J

    Can anyone help me identify if this is from a Spitfire or a Hurricane ?

    Afternoon everyone, My next door was given this after his son sadly passed away and he had been told (like many other posts I’ve seen) that this could potentially be the rear wheel from a Spit or a Hurricane, Can anyone help me out in identifying it ? I think that maybe the red side of the...
  3. S

    Blackburn Skua Tail Wheel

    Hello! I'm modelling a low poly Blackburn Skua in Blender, as accurate as low poly will allow. However I'm sort of stuck at a roadblock due to lack of information. I need to know whats going on with the tailwheel, was is retractable like the Roc? Any photos of where the tailwheel connects to...