1:1 Spitfire K9817 Cockpit Build (1 Viewer)

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Sorry all, I had a problem with photobucket that took ALL my photos off ALL fora. I have it on my "list of things to do" but that is not short!!

In the mean time, here are a few in some sort of build order:

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I've spent a few days over the last week almost finishing the Spitfire. A few, "I'll get to it one day" type jobs.

The first job was to install the long overdue isolation switch for the door/canopy. So now if the cockpit door is not fully closed, the canopy will not close...this is because "half lock" on the real aircraft stops the canopy coming forward as the guide rail slots into the top of the door and is misaligned until fully closed.

It works by the claw on the door lock slotting in and hitting a limit switch. The cover is to protect me as I use my internet computer from hitting the sharp edges of the frame! I machined a cover base with protruding edge that an old cup cover, I had, would fit onto.

Next was to install a very solid 5 inch Ground/Flight power switch that I bought after the sim was going to be a Mk IX, while it was slated as a Mk V and before it got redesigned as a Spit I / II (yeah, I get confused too).... The power switch finally allowed me to isolate the 12 volt AT Power supply source for the gauges steppers, backlights and downlights and indicator lights from the mains.

It is mounted low and near the seat back on the starboard side of the cockpit.

And a quick shot of the stainless steel and Brass Spitfire I type cockpit plackards engraved for me by Chris. The limitations plate is a real "new old stock" and so joins the list of real parts in the sim.

And speaking of real parts...the Kygas Primer has been a nice prop for a long while now but was non-functioning (the "Boost Coil" button served as primer. Well, with the help of a magnet and a magnetic switch, the actual Primer is now used for the job, the piston having a magnet screwed into the a rubber seal and a "break to make" magnetic switch is slotted into the end of the chamber triggering the action on openning..the time delay works perfectly with the action in the sim. (which is why I chose break to make instead of the other way around). Maybe some video to show the action soon.

Last but not least, the new lighting...the Spitfire lighting was terrible but out in the sun, it doesn't matter, the cockpit is quite bright...but in a room it is hard to see anything down inside. A set of downlights has cured that and is a good compromise...so now in a darkened room, it looks like this:

More progress towards a final iteration of the Spitfire....which is now officially a Spitfire I, field modified for several but not all Spitfire II and PR Mk I, Spitfire V / PR G and sundry alterations. The Spit I Undercarriage hand pump will be installed when finished to represent having been left in.... as replacing it would have been a major job AND..I like it!!!.

The U/C Pump has been a long time in the making but I have finally come up with a solution that makes it strong enough for vigorous pumping but still able to fit in the electrics to work the sim. As usual, all electrics will be run through the hydraulic lines to conceal them.
The basic frame, built some time ago and put aside for more urgent things (read "life")

I picked up an old hydraulic hand pump a couple of years ago and have been thinking on the best way to use it ever since..
Finally, the prospect of pulling it apart to scavenge parts and then building a mount strong enough to actually pump the action, got to be too much. So instead I spent some time designing a way to actually use the pump body within the shell.

The pump mounted into the framework, a bit of internal cutting had to be done to the brace and also there will be some trouble fitting a limit switch in the back to actuate the pump switch for the sim to recognise. But no great drama.
I have a couple of place holders for the second cylinder frame/axel as the pump was only single cylinder. The top cylinder will be built and house the switch.

The plate on the side will be the curved top piece which guides the valve/cock lever.

Hopefully I can get that engraved later today.

The handle for the valve is quite complicated to build as it has a central spring loaded locking pin that fits into the holes in the guide at each gear position. That will be a lathe and milling machine job this weekend but I have a good start on the actual plan. You lift the black knob to release the pin and then move the lever. When it is at the other end, you let go of the handle and the pin springs into the locking hole...It should be a fun build!

It will be good to get it done and be able to stop using the Drop Tank Release handle to pump the undercarriage in the Spitfire I !!
Thanks Terry , good to be back!

Cheers Wurger!!,

A tiny update for tonight ... the engraved top guide for the lever...not yet curved or rounded off at the rear end.

Now I just need to bend it to fit the curve and round off the rear end.

Next up is the lifting handle mechanism for the locking pin..but that will need to wait until Saturday.

Now I just need to bend it to fit the curve and round off the rear end. Next up is the lifting handle mechanism for the locking pin..but that will need to wait until Saturday.
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Good to see you back Darryl and still doing very nice work.

I started up a little work on my cockpit a month or so ago after a very long break but got busy with other things and haven't done anything since
Righto Chaps.... I am thinking of doing a video of the Spit in action...are there any specific requests on things you'd like to see?

I was thinking Full startup from C&D, warmup, Engine Test. as a starter...about 10 minutes if I "extract the digit'.
Thanks Mate! She is finally getting close to me stopping fiddling with "bits" and just flying.

I got the laser cut top brackets for the "second" cylinder yesterday and plan to spend all of this weekend *hopefully* finishing and fitting the U/C Pump. That will just leave the "Bicycle Pump" airscrew control to do and she is FINISHED!!!!!

,...... and a map box, and fit the radio to that, and remove the remote Contactor, and shift the Signalling Unit, and gunsight bulbs and mount all of the new cockpit placards, ... and remove the destructor buttons, and install the old style priming cock plate..and remove the gun round counter, and .........
Well, a frustrating and very long weekend which saw me get done about half what I wanted to.
But at least it is now starting to look very much like a Spitifire I pump.

This weekend I managed to make the front plate, make the back support for the valve guide plate, make the valve handle frame (but not the lift handle itself), bend the valve handle guide plate to fit the curve of the handle frame travel and adjust the height to accomodate the holding pin when that is made with the rest of the handle, adjust some of the internals to better fit in the switching mechanism and sort out final measurements for the main pump handle, which I am hoping to get pipe bent for this week.

So whilst there is a lot still to do, I've actually broken the back of it, I think.

It is just frustrating that I now have a week and a weekend where I won't be able to do much at all on it!

Next will be the "down circuit" switch frame at the rear of the pump body (which will actually work the down selection in the Sim) and the engaging arm that comes off the valve handle frame to actuate that switch.

From there, we'll just have to see what time I have available. With any luck next week will be a week's holiday but that depends on how much work I get done in the office this week.

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