1/32 hurricane

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1/32 is a great scale for single engine aircraft, imo. I was impressed by the range of markings on this one. Obviously an improvement on the 40 year old kit that was the only 1/32 model of this one previously. I like in-flight builds, and 1/32 scale pilots are a lot more fun to paint than the smaller ones. One day I may actually get around to building this one.
Was a little confusing, being titled as the now 'old' Spit MkIX but a review of the Hurricane! I posted this about a month ago - it's due for release in the UK at least, in June. This presumably first-of -a -series, is the fabric-covered wing version, quite easily re-scribed to make a BoB period Hurricane. It's on my 'wants' list!!
The Spit IX from PCM seems reasonable. There have been a couple of build/reviews in UK modelling magazines, and overall it seems a good kit, with the odd small snag here and there, mainly fit around the underside forward area ,IIRC. Hobbycraft are also releasing 1/32nd scale Spt MkIX,VII and VIII, and maybe a XVI, but not sure if the latter is low back or not. These kits may be re-boxed PCM.
I believe they did Cory. I haven't done any PCM kits, but what from what I've heard and seen in print, they all seem to have some issues. But, maybe 'today's' modeller expects so much, having been spoiled by the quality of some manufacturers' over recent years, which, to an extent, is undertandable considering the asking price of some kits. For the price of the PCM kits, and certainly for the subjects offered not covered by other companies, they seem acceptable enough. OK, they aren't cheap, but hovering around the 'standard', and a lot better than some of the way over-priced stuff offerd by some, when the kit might be very basic. A certain E.E. Lightning in 1/32nd scale comes to mind here!!
PCM is like building an Azur kit limited run and no locating pins not hard just more attention needs to be paid attention to your fits.I have two PCM kits in the stash the MC 202+205 and both are beauties and abound with details to the pit area.The markings on this kit are what has got me and I think I might have to make that order alot better price than the Tamy Spit and if Brett is talking it up??Cheers Kevin
I'll certainly be getting one asap, without waiting for the metal wing Mk1 which will surely follow on - anything has to be better than the 40 year old Revell "MkIIc pretending- to- be- a -Mk1 -and- not- managing -that- or- a- MkIIc" kit !!

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