1:35 M1070 & M1000 Heavy Equipment Transporter Semi-trailer - Hobby Boss

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I guess it depends on how many more small parts of the same colour need to be installed. Airbrush or brush?
Mostly airbrush. And lets see, basically everything on the trailer will be the same color, same with the truck (with the exception of the inside)
Great model. I'm sure you're aware of a resin kit of the engine for this model. If not, here's a pic and a link. It's a shame that they didn't include the diesel that drives this beast. I'm biased towards models with engines. The model also includes parts to modify the Hobby Boss chassis to accommodate the engine and air intake parts.

And here's a link to a review of the model and contact info for the Real Model model.
Yeah, I love model vehicles that have engines. One of the many reasons why I have started getting full interior tanks.

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