Here we at the fourth week of the Do-17Z-2. After cutting out the exhaust areas on the cowl panels the cowls were assembled and installed. The main landing gear was installed as well. I then painted the landing gear and bomb bay doors and began painting the base coat. For the underside I used Tamiya XF23 (RLM-65), for the splinter camouflage on the topside I used Tamiya XF61 (RLM-71) and XF27 (RLM-70), and for the propeller hubs I am using Vallejo RLM-04.
The aircraft has six machine guns that are provided in the kit. The forward gun sight is a molded circle. I trimmed these off and added some photo etch sights from my photo etch extras. I am working on the decals now. The kit decals are very nice. So far they are going on very well and conforming to the surface nicely. I should have this build completed by next week.
The Do-17Z is now finished. I applied the kit decals and made the symbol on the tails for historical accuracy. Then the final top coat of clear was sprayed on to seal the decals and provide a nice finish. The canopy, nose, and underside windows were painted and the guns were installed. They were all then mounted on the fuselage. I cut off the tail navigation light which was molded with the model and made a clear lens. The propellers were panted and installed. I then added the antenna as the final step to finishing this build.
This was a fun build. The kit is very good with the exception of the wing to fuselage fit. The clear parts fit great and were easy to mask and paint. The large canopy and nose are very good in clarity allowing the cockpit details to easily be seen. The decals went down very well and conformed to the surface with only a little decal solution. The details of the kit are well defined. Thank you for following along and happy modeling!