1/72 Hasegawa N1K2-J Shidenkai

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Senior Airman
Apr 26, 2005
Some more models I've been working on here and there for a very long time. I started out with the darker one over a decade ago. It's had a bit of a rough go of things, crappy paint job, and during cleaning up that mess it broke apart and in the process broke the scoop on the bottom with the front part ending up somewhere in cyberspace, so back in the box it went. Then about 8 years ago I spotted another one at the Museum model show so I snapped that one up because.....Me. Long story short, after I glued the wings back on the cockpit broke loose, managed to get the wings back off with out destroying anything, lost the rear cockpit bulkhead. Made a new one, glued the cockpit back in and the wings back on, wrecked the IP decal, tried painting the pilots 3 or 4 times........all over a period of several years. Still have the gun barrels antena and pitot tubes but the tail wheel has broke off and is long gone......

Since one of the supports is broke off and gone I decided not to bother with the fuel tank on it but will add it to the other one.

Once the cockpit and wings all got sorted I started fixing the scoop by glueing a bit of plastic on the front and hollowing it out


Once that was done it was time to play catch up with the props, I had already finished the one set before I bought the second kit, The yellow markings are masked and sprayed on both Propellers.

Time to do up the pilots

They actually look a bit better in person. Time for some paint

Free hand camo, ready for some stickers.

The production is movin on down the line. On with the decals, which, didn't go all that well but considering the time and age of things, I did use a set of Kopro after market decals to help out but due to differences between those and the kit decals, the kit decals were used as much as possible. I did paint on the roundels though and didn't do a very good job on the white ring but I'm not to worried about it as they are just OOB fun builds and I'm happy to get them completed

And of course.......



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