1/72 Revel Lancaster Dambuster - From the shelves of doom

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Senior Airman
Apr 26, 2005
Many many moons ago I was given this kit by a friend about the time it was first released. When it first came out there was a big to do about the outer wing dihedral which, of course, I bought into and completely bodged. And we all know what happens to CA when it hardens and sits around for a long time..........So since then every so often I've pulled it off the shelf and done a little here and there to fix things up.
It's not a bad kit, but it's also not a great kit either, as in oversimplification does not necessarily equal ease of assembly, while the main components fit together well enough though the fiddly bits are still fiddly, the wheels are horrid and the guns........not even close. The turrets would have been better off with those ugly little space men holding the cheap imitations of cheap imitations masquerading as guns. More or less it looks like something designed and produced by an accountant more interested in the next golf game and looking for another job. With all that in mind it's a good kit to practice some new ideas and paints on.

And that horrid black plastic......

The wings cut to "adjust" the dihedral

I had previously began painting the fuselage using humbrol enamels, so I sanded that all down. The last time I painted a British plane in DE/DG I used Polyscale paints, so now I've been looking around trying figure out what I'm going to use, preferably without mixing anything. For this build I've settled on Vallejo, and my mix of Tamiya/Gunze Night.

Like I said, the wheels are horrid, as I also have the Hasegawa and Airfix kits I stole the ones from the Hasegawa kit which needed a bit of modification to fit

And fixing the wing

i have just read in "the Dam Busters Raid by John Sweetman that AJ*P's Upkeep mine was painted black by the crew prior to the mission, this was to make it blend in with the undersides of the aircraft better as it was painted green when delivered.

apparently it also fell out of the cradle under the Lancaster after it was first loaded, scattering the crew which were on board and re loaded onto AJ*P once it was declared ok for use !

Thanks for the info much appreciated

I do appreciate the enthusiasm for the Yak and Junkers, I'll do my best not to disappoint but.......mojo

K, update time, decals on,

Time to unmask the beast.........Uhm, this did not go well. Lesson learned, do not use MicroMask over Future, and then let it sit for a few years. I learned the first part somewhere between masking and unmasking this thing. Fortunately I only pushed in 2 windows while scraping the stuff off, one of which I managed to get back in place, the other I replaced with Gator glue.

Aaaand of course there goes the pitot tube
Time to do a little catch up, oh the joys of masking

One thing I like to do is spray a on some flat coat to take away some of the sheen when painting clear parts, in this case though I forgot to mask off the side windows oh well...

It is possible to install the front turret after things are assembled if you assemble the turret in situ. This really shows how simplified this kit is.

The attachment for the rear guns is a little iffy to say the least as the gluing surface is rather small, but so far so good and they seem solid enough.

Canopy attached with Gator Grip and held in place with tape as it likes to spring up.

For some unknown reason I'd glued on the tail wheel and of course it broke off so now sticking it back on with a little reinforcement and some Gorilla glue.

Time to break out the industrial sprayer and get on with the wings

Fiddly work Tim. Gluing that tail wheel back on at this stage seems an invitation for a second let-down.

The fuselage is pretty much done so no real knockin about, and it's on pretty solid so I'm not worried about it.

Finally got some paint AND decals on

Not really happy with the Valejo paint, it's ok for smaller stuff but it starts to act up on the bigger jobs so I don't think I'll be using these anymore so I finally broke down and ordered some Mr.Hobby Dark Earth. Next up some weathering and then the landing gear.

Funny how the colors in the pic look kinda gaudy, on my monitor at least, cuase they look ok on the desk, any way managed to get one wing weathered and matt coated, now ready for some exhaust staining which is going to be me trying something new.


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