13's.... (1 Viewer)

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The WWI U 13....

Type: U 13
Shipyard: Kaiserliche Werft, Danzig (Werk 8)
Ordered 23 Feb 1909
Launched 16 Dec 1910
Commissioned 25 Apr 1912
Commanders: 01/08/14 to 12/08/14 Kptlt. Hans Arthur Graf von Schweinitz under Karin
Career: 1 patrol
1 Aug 1914 - 12 Aug 1914, II Flotilla
Successes: No successes
Fate: Sunk in the North Sea at an unknown time and location, between August 6 and August 12, 1914 through accidental cause. 25 dead (all hands lost).

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U 19
Type: U 19
Shipyard: Kaiserliche Werft, Danzig (Werk 13)
Ordered: 25 Nov 1910
Laid down: 20 Oct 1911
Launched: 10 Oct 1912
Commissioned: 6 Jul 1913
1 Aug 1914 - 15 Mar 1916 Kptlt. Constantin Kolbe
16 Mar 1916 - 10 Aug 1916 Kptlt. Raimund Weisbach
11 Aug 1916 - 4 Jul 1917 Oblt. Johannes Spieß (Royal House Order of Hohenzollern)
5 Jul 1917 - 15 Oct 1917 Henrich (I.V.) Koch
25 Oct 1917 - 16 Nov 1917 Oblt. Hans Albrecht Liebeskind
17 Nov 1917 - 31 May 1918 Kptlt. Johannes Spieß (Royal House Order of Hohenzollen)
1 Jun 1918 - 11 Nov 1918 Oblt. Hans Albrecht Liebeskind
Career: 12 patrols
1 Aug 1914 - 19 Sep 1916 III Flotilla
19 Sep 1916 - 1 May 1917 Baltikum Flotilla
1 May 1917 - 11 Nov 1918 III Flotilla
Successes: 57 ships sunk with a total of 97,921 tons.
3 ships damaged with a total of 4,224 tons.
1 ship taken as prize with a total of 733 tons.
1 ship sunk with a total of 1,261 tons.
Fate: Surrendered 24/11/18. Broken up at Blyth in 1919-20.
U 58
Type: U 57
Shipyard: A. G. Weser, Bremen (Werk 213)
Ordered: 6 Oct 1914
Laid down: 8 Jun 1915
Launched: 31 May 1916
Commissioned: 9 Aug 1916
9 Aug 1916 - 3 Jun 1917 Kptlt. Kurt Wippern
4 Jun 1917 - 26 Jun 1917 Kptlt. Peter Hermann
27 Jun 1917 - 30 Oct 1917 Kptlt. Karl Scherb
31 Oct 1917 - 17 Nov 1917 Kptlt. Gustav Amberger
Career: 8 patrols
16 Oct 1916 - 17 Nov 1917 II Flotilla
Successes: 21 ships sunk with a total of 30,906 tons.
Fate: 17/11/17 - Depth charged by destroyer USS Fanning off the south coast of Ireland 51°37'N, 8°12'W . 2 dead and 36 survivors.
UB 97
Shipyard: Vulcan, Hamburg (Werk 113)
Ordered 23 Sep 1916
Launched 13 Jun 1918
Commissioned 26 Jul 1918
26 Jul 1918 - 14 Aug 1918 Oskar Brinkmann
15 Aug 1918 - 11 Nov 1918 Oblt. Georg Stollenz
Career: No patrols
Successes: No successes
Fate: Surrendered 21/11/18. Broken up in situ from 1921 after grounding near Falmouth with UB 86, UB 106, UB 112, UB 128, and UC 92.
UB 107
Type: UB III
Shipyard: Blohm & Voss, Hamburg (Werk 313)
Ordered: 23 Sep 1916
Launched: 21 Jul 1917
Commissioned: 16 Feb 1918
16 Feb 1918 - 16 May 1918 Kptlt. Hans Howaldt (Pour le Mérite)
17 May 1918 - 4 Aug 1918 Kptlt. Eberhard von Prittwitz und Gaffron
Career: 4 patrols
16 May 1918 - 4 Aug 1918 Flaunden II Flotilla
Successes: 11 ships sunk with a total of 26,147 tons.
1 ship damaged with a total of 1,685 tons.
Fate: 04/08/18 - Sunk by unknown cause one mile north of Flamborough Head at position 54 08N, 00 00W, between July 28 and August 3, 1918.. 38 dead (all hands lost).

The wreck of this boat has been located, but in a location miles from where it was supposedly sunk.

Previously recorded fate....
Depth charged on July 27, 1918 by the RN trawler Calvis and yacht Vanessa II at position 5423N, 0024W. In fact, UB 107 probably was not present for this attack.

UB 107 was, however, the only U-boat that could have been responsible for the sinking of the steamers Chloris and John Rettig two and a half hours later at position 5352N, 0010E. Divers in recent years discovered the wreck of UB 107, which was identified by markings on the propellers, off Flamborough Head together with (under) what remains of the steamer Malvina. The Malvina was torpedoed and sunk by UB 104 on August 3, 1918. UB 107 apparently either suffered an accident of some sort or was lost on a British mine.
Okay, this took a while but I found the unit for the 3rd aircraft on the left, "L-4H Unit Unknown" with the red and white triangle on the tail. This belongs to the 1st Combat Bombardment Wing. The letters in the triangle represent the Wing's Groups. Here is the tail section of the wings P-47 Formation Monitor

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Spitfire Mk. XVI LF
Serial: SL613
Factory: CBAF
Engine: M266

6MU 10-8-45
FAAC 9-9-46 ros
49MU 18-9-46
614S 6-12-46
604S 29-10-48
6MU 13-4-50
2CAACU 5-9-52
C5(C) 14-12-53

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