Noorduyn UC-64A Norseman 43-5313 Delivered to USAAF on the 7th of January 1944; Fort Dix, New Jersey on the 8th of January 1944; New York on the 12th of February 1944; 8th AF, England; 311th Ferrying Squadron, 27th Air Transport Group, 3rd Base Air Depot, Langford Lodge, Northern Ireland; damaged in a forced landing at Prestwick, Scotland on the 23rd of April, 320th Air Transport Squadron, 27th Air Transport Group, Le Bourget [A-54], Paris, France; crashed and burned on the 3rd of December 1944 while on approach to Le Bourget in low cloud, drizzle and fog the aircraft hit a wooded hill near the village on Montge, France, pilot and engineer killed.