Boeing B-29-1-BW Superfortress 42-6213 Delivered to USAAF on the 16th of December 1943. Assigned to 462nd Bomb Group, Walker AAF, KS, Departed Walker AAF, KS for CBI on the 7th of April 1944, arriving Piardoba, India, on the 30th of April 1944. Assigned to 769th Bomb Squadron, 462nd Bomb Group, Piardoba, India.
Named 'Liberty Belle'.
Forced landing on the 12th of July 1944 due to mechanical failure at Chengtu, China.
Declared war weary.
Returned to CONUS on the 27th of December 1944.
Modified to TB-29.
Reclamation complete Pyote on the 21st of December 1949.